- Am I correct in reading that the NYTimes #paywall has a backdoor for search, blogs, FB & Twitter? #NoLimitAppliesForReferrers #
Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter updates for 2011-03-17
- I'm at Reposado in Palo Alto, CA http://gowal.la/c/3M532 #
- I'm at Google World HQ in Mountain View, CA http://gowal.la/c/3LQaA #
- Almost considering pulling an all-nighter to do some catching up, but that would just be wrong. #
Twitter updates for 2011-03-16
- Just checked out @votizen at http://www.votizen.com. Asweome job @dbinetti and @putorti. #BrilliantDesign #DesignBegetsTrust #
- Video coverage of !SXSW on Pi Day by @PaloPatch: 'Geeks Swarm !SXSW Event, Fail at Pi Contest' http://k9.vc/fVdJAC #NotSXSW #
- Wanna find interesting people at #SXSW Check out #SXSW Attendee Search built using @IndexTank at http://sxswdex.heroku.com/ #
- Alrighty, I'm done proving to myself that I still have some geek-chops left; Coding over the weekend, MoBo replacement today. #BackToWorkNow #
- The beast is back! @ K9 Ventures http://instagr.am/p/CRCtF/ #
- Surgery in process… @ K9 Ventures http://instagr.am/p/CQ_Fx/ #
- In the belly of beast @ K9 Ventures http://instagr.am/p/CQ47f/ #
- Pi (thanks @ayemoah & @awmoore!) @ K9 Ventures http://instagr.am/p/CQ3jF/ #
- +1 RT @barrie_robinson: Enjoyed chatting w/ @dtunkelang #NotSXSW – unique perspective, very clued up – expect greatness from @LinkedIn soon! #
- Check out the fun and interesting folks that came to !SXSW on Pi Day last night. http://k9.vc/i4CIar #FunTwitterCheckinHack #
- Thanks for your help yesterday Barrie! RT @barrie_robinson: At #NotSXSW .. Quite possibly better than #SXSW ; ) #
- Agreed. But @ryankuder has @NotSXSW and he's at #SXSW RT @echeng: @Not_SXSW I may need help remember where the underscore goes.
#NotSXSW #
- Phew. SO tired after !SXSW on Pi Day at BBC in Menlo Park. Awesome group of people. Totally packed, but lots of fun. Thanks all! #NotSXSW #
Twitter updates for 2011-03-15
- Post !SXSW dinner w/ @dtunkelang, @ifindkarma, & @evanreas @ The Cheesecake Factory http://gowal.la/c/3La1C #
- Some awesome last minute hacking for !SXSW with BIG THANKS to @eleith. Follow @Not_SXSW if you're coming to #NotSXSW tonight! Please RT #
- Anyone on here managed to get the @twitter @gem to install/work on @hostmonster / @bluehost? @gem installs, but app can't find it
- Thanks to @sudeep_y, @reallyez, and, @eleith for helping me with pieces of the weekend hacking project for !SXSW #NotSXSW See you tonight! #
- The worst part of doing any hacking — messing (I'm being polite) with CSS! #ugh #
Twitter updates for 2011-03-14
- Crap. It's Daylight Savings Time. Gotta adjust *all* the manual clocks. #Ridiculous Why can't use just all use UTC? http://k9.vc/fF7f7I #
- Summary for future blog post: Idea:Execution::Spark Plug:Gas. Ideas are necessary, but not sufficient. Execution on wrong idea is wasteful. #
- Weekend hacking: Debugged/Fixed Rails installation; Reconfigured plugins on new machine, installed git server, twitter gem #GettingDangerous #