- The worst pitches are those which are #BuzzwordBingo compliant. Just tell me what you do — shouldn't be so hard to explain. #
- K9 Ventures' portfolio company @IndexTank is hiring! Check out this job posting on @LinkedIn: http://k9.vc/gS4L9p #
- For anyone wondering, the book I gave out today at #FailCon at #w2e is Outrageous Optimism by Jack Roseman http://k9.vc/eMPWmm #
- Great speech by @BarackObama on #Libya (caught it on the drive back to Palo Alto) #
- Great speech by @BarackObama #
- Web 2.0 Expo — checking out @ Moscone Center http://gowal.la/c/3Sx7a #
- 'Acting with integrity is one of the most important things as a founder' : @clevergirl at #FailCon #w2e #
- "I'd rather have a cup cake, than a half-baked wedding cake. Launch one beautiful thing" : @clevergirl at #FailCon #w2e #
- Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom @ Moscone Center http://instagr.am/p/CoHAD/ #
- "Email seems to be the never ending game that everyone plays but no one wins." — well put by @ryanm cc @awmoore @emailgame #
- Last minute prep for #FailCon Workshop at Web 2.0 Expo. Looking forward to generating some discussion! #w2e cc @WebWallflower #
Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter updates for 2011-03-27
Twitter updates for 2011-03-26
- Somber realization: I have unread / unreplied emails in my inbox that are older than my daughter. This #InboxZero thing is a complete myth. #
- Looks like @reachanika just discovered her belly button. Hilarity ensues. #
- I'm at California Café in Palo Alto, CA http://gowal.la/c/3R4nA #
Twitter updates for 2011-03-25
- 500 Mentors Meetup @ 500 Startups http://gowal.la/c/3QLov #
- Cult of @500Startups http://twitpic.com/4cz2sd w/a special close up of leader @davemcclure http://twitpic.com/4cz39r #
Twitter updates for 2011-03-24
- I try to boycott any hotels that don't offer free in-room Wifi. May as well be charging for water/electricity. #WifiNotOptional #CoreAmenity #
- Netflix offering 3% of $7.99 credit for streaming problem yesterday, if you opt-in. That's $0.24. #Really #
- Seeing all the tweets about Color launch. I will be disappointed if the Color app isn't just a trojan horse for a new mobile social network. #
- Cool 🙂 RT @ayemoah: Ikea is taking over my apartment & my desktop wallpaper. Check out my shiny organized desktop! http://yfrog.com/h46u2pp #
- Hate it when I check on a flight in the morning and by the afternoon they've already upped the fare. #
- WSJ Blogs/VC Dispatch: Y Combinator's Newest Start-Ups Riding High On Demo Day by @tomiogeron http://k9.vc/fsM6bQ #
- I've made plans for 500 SuperMentor Q1 Meetup http://planca.st/TG4 #
- I've made plans for Earth Hour 2011 http://planca.st/TEs #
- Krtek rocks! Mean of the author to call him a "Commie Mole" – WSJ.com – Space Shuttle Stowaway Is a Commie Mole http://on.wsj.com/h1dUF8 #
- Thoughts on Convertible Notes http://k9.vc/ConvNotes (morning RT for the non-nocturnal folk) #
- Wow, woke up to see the conversation/tweets around the blog post I pushed out late last night. Thanks everyone for your comments and RTs #
- Thoughts on Convertible Notes http://k9.vc/ConvNotes #