Tag Archives: Twitter

Twitter updates for 2011-10-16

  • Siri just offered to remember that @hanakumar is my wife. Phew, so glad Siri's here to help me with that. #
  • New engineering quad on the @stanford campus http://t.co/V3NMxvlh #
  • http://t.co/V3NMxvlh #
  • Alrighty Twitterverse, how do I get Siri to 'connect to the network.' Already tried rebooting and disable/enable. #
  • Only thing Siri said to me so far: "Sorry, I am having trouble connecting to the network." #
  • "Roaar" That's @reachanika's reaction to http://t.co/zZBwZHp0 #

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Twitter updates for 2011-10-15

  • iDevices are beginning to get complicated. Have to track accounts for iTunes, iCloud, Mail, Kindle, DropBox, Netflix, and so many more… #
  • Interesting — forums suggest that you can use a common iTunes account, but have a *separate* iCloud accounts on each phone. #
  • Dear iCloud, I haven't even started using you yet and you're already sending me messages that you're full! That's not nice of you. #
  • I used to have one iTunes account for me and @hanakumar. w/iCloud will I know need to create a separate iTunes account? hmm… #
  • Designating this "upgrade weekend." Need to upgrade iMac, MacBook Air, 2x iPhones, 1x iPad and 1x Human. #ManyManyHoursOfUpgradingAhead #
  • Given how long it takes to perform an upgrade to iOS5, I need multiple computers to upgrade my multiple iOS Devices! #ParallelProcessing #
  • Twitter iPhone app just changed the 'Image service' to Twitter. Uh oh for TwitPic, YFrog etc. #FillingHoles #
  • I'm at Sierra Ventures (2884 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park) http://t.co/8mkLeXbd #
  • Alrighty @boxdotnet you'll get a tweet out of me for giving 50GB of free storage to iOS users! Thanks 🙂 http://t.co/ea0nws8h #Box50GB #
  • UPS Delivery person says that "He's surprised how many people are home today!" 🙂 #iPhone4S #
  • Team @CardMunch, you need to get your act in gear. Bummed. RT @swombat: Hey @cardmunch, iPhone 4S "Device currently not supported"? WTF? #

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