- Startup success is always messier/uglier/harder than what you see in the press. Love that @travisk is telling his story at #FailCon #
- 'VCs ain't shit but ho's and tricks' :@travisk at #FailCon #
- Loving @travisk's talk at #FailCon #
- Seeing tweets about the passing of John McCarthy. I often saw the Father of AI in the halls at @Stanford http://t.co/Jz3LzF7v #
- #FailCon is awesome because it's not about celebrating failure, but about *learning from failure* – both your own and others'. #
- If you keep banging your head against the wall, all you do is hurt your head. #IntelligentFailure #FailCon #
- Awesome talk by @jgebbia at #FailCon about @AirBnB's journey through the trough of sorrows. Appreciate the honesty and the inside look. #
- FailCon 2011. Just in time to catch @vkhosla in a fireside chat with @cathybrooks (@ Hotel Kabuki w/ 13 others) http://t.co/yjsP3uiM #
Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter updates for 2011-10-24
- Getting ready to watch Steve Jobs: Revelations from a Tech Giant on 60 Minutes http://t.co/0qSMdQsX (on @CBSNews) #
- Splash! @ Starbucks http://t.co/MQTgtllH #
Twitter updates for 2011-10-22
- Interviews for @StartX (@ Old Union w/ 2 others) http://t.co/x5jYeJFp #
Twitter updates for 2011-10-21
- Finding free parking in Nob Hill – awesome. Driving too/from San Francisco w/ a badly blocked stiff neck – NOT so. Time for a heatpack. #
- I'm at InterContinental Mark Hopkins (1 Nob Hill, at Mason St, San Francisco) w/ 2 others http://t.co/xUQ4ATT5 #
- Loved @harrymccracken's take on the @Lytro camera. Lytro: A True Point-and-Shoot Camera http://t.co/GWS51XDr via @cnet #
- DNAnexus, With Google Ventures and TPG’s Cash, Seeks Edge in $100B Genome Computing Market via @xconomy http://t.co/1ktqww5B #
- This video provides a great demo of the @Lytro. @waltmossberg is so much fun to watch 🙂 http://t.co/8kwAST70 #
- Playing hookie from work/my calendar so that I can do real work. #
Twitter updates for 2011-10-20
- Fun w/ the @Lytro @ Palo Alto, CA http://t.co/tVHLwzOq #
- The Lytro (next to a scale model paperweight) @ Palo Alto, CA http://t.co/zO6m71GB #
- If you're an entrepreneur at @Stanford do yourself a favor and don't miss @bfeld at todays' ETL. #BradRocks http://t.co/ZPXfX736 #
- Meet the Lytro. http://t.co/VVkfDz2f #