- Wow, thanks Connie! RT @Cookie: @manukumar is kind of killing it. http://t.co/lNfDzeEt #
- #GMail Rant: Data-driven design is not always good design. Poor understanding/use of whitespace. Excessive focus on Fitts' Law. #amateurs #
- Forcing myself to try the new @GMail and *not* a fan. #Bummed #
- Great post Sid! @LinkedIn’s New @CardMunch iPhone App: Reinventing Business Cards by @sidviswanathan http://t.co/zQfcYGPa #
- Love how new @CardMunch app pulls in pictures and profiles from @LinkedIn after card has been scanned. #Awesome http://t.co/O7KQLtv5 #
Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter updates for 2011-11-14
- Some things just deserve the Anvil effect in Keynote! #Lytro #
- Dear @LinkedIn, Don't you think when I receive an intro request, there should be an easy way to look at the profile of the requester? #
- hmm.. did the recent update to Google Chrome on the Mac (OS X Lion) just break GChat on @gmail? Can't seem to get focus on it. Anyone else? #
- Both the video and the accompanying rant on the future of interaction design by @worrydream are thought provoking. http://t.co/71URs4ga #
Twitter updates for 2011-11-13
- RT @RainmakersLIVE: Thanks for attending @RainmakersLIVE! Special thanks to @Vosmek @ManuKumar @pfinette @withfries2 & @davemcclure #
- RT @ideamensch: Blast From The Past: Manu Kumar – Founder and Chief Firestarter at K9 Ventures http://t.co/QYhjbdTN #
- That was yummy. Thanks Georgio! @ Neto Caffe & Bakery http://t.co/Y4bVWQhD #
- My special Angry Birds cupcake courtesy of #RainmakersLive @ AOL West Coast http://t.co/DKwczFwC #
Twitter updates for 2011-11-12
- On panel for Rainmakers Live event (@ AOL West Coast) http://t.co/Rq6zuYXE #
- City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) should rename itself to Constant Price Augmenting Utility @ Palo Alto, CA http://t.co/78sDfmrz #
- Thanks @johnzimmer & @logangreen for the cool @Zimride schwag! @ Zimride HQ http://t.co/kPG6GVm8 #
- I'm at Cooley LLP (3175 Hanover St., Palo Alto) http://t.co/hQsKOZV7 #
Twitter updates for 2011-11-11
- What's the story behind @ATT's ridiculous $18 'upgrade fee'? Anyone dug into that? #
- Congrats @tristanharris @cansar @kansteven & rest of the @apture team. Google Buys Apture To Beef Up Chrome tcrn.ch/uo4Y1y via @TechCrunch #