- Gorgeous location. View of the Palace of Fine Arts @ Letterman Digital Arts Center http://t.co/L5whniX6 #
- And the dark side… @ Lucasfilm Ltd http://t.co/t4LgdfaI #
- A better profile of the Jedi Master @ Yoda Statue http://t.co/QburpYlM #
- "Do or Do not. There is no try" @ Yoda Statue http://t.co/l5kyxyim #
- Cool building! (@ Letterman Digital Arts Center) http://t.co/DV0AdGw3 #
- Drive by checkin just for @christine and @baris! 🙂 (@ Intel Capital) http://t.co/IGT8YyDL #
Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter updates for 2011-12-06
- Don't follow a path. Create your own. Steve Jobs' Vision of the World in 46 Seconds http://t.co/Nxy6IbcD via @a4agarwal #
- Hockey Player, 28, Had Brain Disease Linked to Hits to the Head. Derek Boogaard: A Brain ‘Going Bad’: http://t.co/OtYiyc0f #
- Maybe instead of a link to Cancel on "Still Working… <Cancel>" @gmail should provide a "Still Working… <Work Harder>" link! #
- My creative solution to @GMail being too slow: open it in multiple different browsers, when one browser is sending, switch to the other one! #
- Finally gave in and ordered a Digital Multimeter for myself. A gEEk without his tools is onlya g__k! 🙂 #YesIReallyNeedThisToFixTheLights #
Twitter updates for 2011-12-05
- It's great to have @arrington writing again. Been enjoying his posts on Uncrunched. http://t.co/C3pHF2BO # #
Twitter updates for 2011-12-04
- Join me and nominate Lytro for the Best New Device 2011 Crunchie! http://t.co/sYbTcNuI #crunchies #
- Join me and nominate Lytro for the Best Technology Achievement 2011 Crunchie! http://t.co/Rb6g19gl #crunchies #
- Midst of writing a blog post that's sure to stir discussion/controversy. Too tired to finish tonight, hope to finish over the weekend. #
Twitter updates for 2011-12-03
- "Dogs never forget" More Military Dogs Show Signs of Combat Stress: http://t.co/tyeW3HLq #
- Introducing @ryanspoon to my favorite addiction (@ Gelato Classico) http://t.co/YvV3rNxA #
- I'm at The Stanford Oval (Oval Park, Stanford) http://t.co/JMKtFL5X #
- Know which event I met someone at, but can't remember name or company! Wishing @CardMunch built all the features we had on the roadmap! #
- Look forward to seeing this on the road/in the air! Anna Mracek Dietrich: A plane you can drive http://t.co/s5sEj488 #
- Fun to watch. Marco Tempest: Augmented reality, techno-magic http://t.co/lei6PcZh #