Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter updates for 2011-12-27
- Co-founders @manukumar and @hanakumar are pleased to announce the launch of their 2nd startup: Ayan (@reachayan) http://t.co/fBA75MJ3 #
Twitter updates for 2011-12-26
- Best Tech Startups of 2011 via @DigitalTrends http://t.co/Ui5IYZBT (One of these is very different from all the others!) #
- Disappointed that my favorite #Chinese restaurant didn't answer the phone for a take-out order. ;( Probably too busy! #
Twitter updates for 2011-12-25
- Toast @ Palo Alto, CA http://t.co/DQlefkzy #
- Be the change you want to see in the world @ Jordan Middle School http://t.co/FFg4tfFD #
Twitter updates for 2011-12-24
- aka Christmas Tree Lane @ Christmas Tree Lane http://t.co/IUGh6Vgd #
- I'm at Christmas Tree Lane (1600 Fulton Street, Emerson, Palo Alto) w/ 2 others http://t.co/880mxCkf #
- Apple Strudel aka benefits of being married to @hanakumar ! @ Palo Alto, CA http://t.co/ADLdZpKj #
- Brown Tomatoes @ Milk Pail Market http://t.co/xWm7xhLv #
- Love the feeling of erasing todos off of my whiteboard! That plus instant visibility is why I still use a whiteboard for it. #GettingItDone #
- Michael Moritz: The best advice I ever got http://t.co/WkiqcU4V via @CNNMoney #