- RT @cdixon: reason bing's url shortener (binged.it) is so long: some MBA hopes people will start saying "I binged it" regularly. good luck #
- +1 RT @jpramey: color me a fanboy, but I flippin love Silicon Valley. #smash #
- RT @christine: Can't get enough traditional PR? Get terrific social coverage and traditional media will show up on your doorstep. #smash #
- RT @cshipley: "Choice of VC may not be as significant as choosing a marriage partner but it is more permanent." #StartOut #
- "Innovation requires a balance of listening to users/feedback & creative genius/vision. O/w, you end up like eBay! ;)" #SMASH #
- "Optimization should always be based on data and metrics. Innovation sometimes may not." #SMASH #
- RT @davemcclure: OMG reviewing all the cool stuff @Twilio going to be launching in 2010 #CrushIt http://yfrog.com/37ii9ij #
- RT @DanielleMORRILL: Hiring dev evangelist! Ideally a coder w/ social skills, enjoy user group meetups, teaching people danielle@twilio.com #
- RT @tedsv: "experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted" – Randy Pausch Last Lecture #
- #SMASH "Innovation requires a balance of listening to users/feedback & creative genius/vision. Otherwise, you end up like eBay! ;)" #
- Lingering thought from @SMASH supper conversation: "Optimization should always be based on data and metrics. Innovation sometimes may not." #
Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter updates for 2010-01-15
- 'We don't sell PDFs' : @jowyang (Altimeter Group) #SMASH #
- 3 things that make driving in rush hour on 101 almost tolerable: new/unexplored music on iPhone, radar cruise control & lane keep assist #fb #
- Ugh, 101 not the best choice. will be late. #fb #
- About to drive up to SF for the #SMASHSummit in SF http://smashsummit.com/ Hoping traffic will cooperate! #
- Like it. RT @newsycombinator: How a spare server turned into Twitpic, the $1.5M+ a year startup http://bit.ly/6VibEI #
- Microsoft's controller-free gaming for the XBox 360 RT @theonezozo: How Natal works (sort of): http://bit.ly/5etQMM #
- Applications rather than technology. RT @auren: Overheard: "It is better to sell violins than wood" #
- When it comes to startups: If you build it to sell, it probably won't, if you build it to last, it will probably sell, or better yet, last! #
- Still amazed by how many teams/startups don't think through potential revenue models. #
- Congrats @ashvink RT @TechCrunch: Blippy Shows Its Own Funding On Blippy. And Now Everyone Can See. http://tcrn.ch/50hKqL by @parislemon #
- RT @BASESEvents: It's one thing to not have experience, but another to demonstrate vividly to potential inv that you know what you're doing. #
Twitter updates for 2010-01-14
- RT @venturehacks: It is not written anywhere that raising money is the first step in starting a company. Or any step at all. #
- RT @ehthayer: RT @HiroPen: Monsanto genetically modified corn linked to organ failure. Published by Intl Jrnl Bio Sci. http://bit.ly/5aOEdy #
- The coming Genome Revolution. RT @techreview: Illumina Cuts Genome Cost to $10,000 http://bit.ly/4qeg7B #
- RT @sarahcuda: RT @Orli: Earthquake in Haiti – The Big Picture http://j.mp/5BD4EG (words can't describe…) #
- Pouring rain when looking out one window; sunny and blue skies when looking out the other. #BizarreWeather #PaloAlto #
- RT @Stanford: What's it like to be a student entrepreneur at Stanford? Three undergrads share their experiences: http://bit.ly/6bgDuV #
- So true. RT @jtoeman: still can't help but feeling the tech industry at large is allowing "loudness" to replace "experience" as a metric… #
- RT @jalter: Aspiring (& current) entrepreneurs, it's time 2 take the leap. Find your co-founder. Apply by 1/25. http://www.founderdating.com #
- FB RT: Min Liu no google maybe, no facebook or twitter (blocked, I discovered).. china seems like a bleak place to me… #
- RT @bfeld: Topic 820 is as stupid as FAS 157. #
- Toys. RT @deantak: RT @VentureBeat Our picks for the best of the Consumer Electronics Show | VentureBeat http://bit.ly/8pILCm #
- RT @martenmickos: A decade ago, web was about not having to leave home. Now web startups are about what you can do when you are not at home. #
- The blog post that lit up the blogosphere/twittersphere. RT @google: Important blog post: A new approach to China http://bit.ly/6jwVHP #
- Been there, done that. So worth it. RT @newsycombinator: Cutting The Cord And The Impact of a PC In Every Living Room http://bit.ly/5D9p13 #
Twitter updates for 2010-01-13
- Go Gary! RT @peHUB: Entrepreneur Trades Sex for Solar: … Gary Kremen knows something about growth industries. http://bit.ly/8J3HH9 #
- RT @Stanford: Stanford's latest iPhone Apps course: http://bit.ly/77Dgs4 | http://bit.ly/7EPxjW [iTunes U] | http://bit.ly/6O1Ddh [course] #
- Finally! Still not done right tho. RT @TechCrunch: Google GDrive Launches. Just Don't Call It That. http://bit.ly/7hweno by @arrington #
- Just the headline was so funny RT @newsycombinator: Humorless "North Face" Sues "South Butt" For Trademark Infringement http://bit.ly/6weZEb #
- RT @bfeld: Proposal: An Independent Inventor Defense Against Software Patents http://goo.gl/fb/aYUb #
Twitter updates for 2010-01-12
- RT @fredwilson: Why We Need An Independent Invention Defense For Patent Litigation http://bit.ly/5LJswL #
- Cool. Gonna try it out 🙂 RT @garrytan: RT @DerekHP Sleep Cycle alarm clock (iPhone app) — no hardware needed. http://post.ly/I4y4 #
- Would never do a note w/o a cap. RT @Yokum: "What is a convertible bridge note with a price cap?' http://bit.ly/7lxZ9r #