Tag Archives: Twitter

Twitter updates for 2010-05-28

  • Any startups in the Bay Area looking for an Office Manager? Have a candidate who I can recommend. Email/DM me for more info. #
  • Glad to hear this: House Votes to Allow Repeal of โ€˜Donโ€™t Ask, Donโ€™t Tellโ€™ Law – http://nyti.ms/bZO40E #
  • Met some great people at the Motwani Mentors / Rajeev's Circle get together. Prof. Motwani's impact reached far & wide, continues even today #
  • RT @moraveji: For mundane mechanical tasks, more rewards=better perf. Not w/creative tasks: autonomy, mastery, purpose. http://bit.ly/c2yblI #
  • .@rkteck1245 I rank referrals based on their source. Entrepreneurs >> Angels >> VCs >> Network >> Direct Email/Twitter >> Brokers/Bankers #
  • When I receive a Seed or Series A pitch through a middleman (Investment Banker/Broker), that in itself is enough of a sign. #ZeroChance #
  • The best days are when I get to spend time with some super smart and passionate founders. #FiredUp #
  • Ha! RT @newsycombinator: Is it possible to jump over the flag pole in Super Mario Bros? YES http://bit.ly/aHjbOD #
  • Way cool. RT @bfeld: if you like space launches, this shuttle launch video is amazing – http://bit.ly/9CJa8k #
  • Congrats @jrpowers & @vikasreddy! RT @occipital: New Blog Post – Announcing ClearCam 1.0! http://bit.ly/dyCif2 #

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Twitter updates for 2010-05-27

  • Why the iPad changes media/magazines RT @sarahintampa: Can't afford the Wired iPad app? Watch the video instead: http://youtu.be/Wrzkl03dBG0 #
  • Thank you to the folks who responded to my tweet re insurance. Appreciate the great advice from folks on Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn! #
  • Helping a startup figure out options for business insurance (Commercial General Liability). Any recommendations for firms/agents? Thanks! #
  • Kids got style, crazy! RT @raanan: hard to watch RT @gruber: Two year-old in Sumatra with two-pack-a-day habit: http://youtu.be/EHJqwwXkD4E #
  • Thanks to @golan for clueing me in to The EyeWriter project. http://www.eyewriter.org/ #
  • lol RT @bussgang: What do Tony Blair and Rob Glaser have in common? Trophy hires for VCs this week. http://mee.bo/8WXymV #
  • Right on. +1 RT @chchien: why is the #linkedin product so painfully hard to use? it has so much potential, yet unfulfilled! #
  • Found several people to follow on Twitter by using the LinkedIn Tweets application http://k9.vc/a1JSDG Too many to follow! (h/t @dpatil) #
  • About time. Too bad it's only 18 months. NYTimes: Ex-Police Chief Is Sent to Jail for Molesting Indian Girl – http://nyti.ms/c3TMIc #

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Twitter updates for 2010-05-26

  • +1 RT @a4agarwal: To compete with Google, Apple has to make Mobile Me free http://post.ly/hL8q #
  • Site analysis completed. Got a clean bill of health for http://k9ventures.com from Norton Safe Web: http://k9.vc/cTklKU #
  • RT @a16z: RT @lizgannes: "Building a company is really hard so you might as well build something important," says Ben Horowitz. #tcdisrupt #
  • Figures. RT @mkapor: More cell phones than toilets in India http://nyti.ms/ccbqCa #
  • Upgrading… RT @TechCrunch: Chrome For Mac And Linux Graduate From Beta – http://tcrn.ch/cl2cD6 by @parislemon #
  • After 3 hours of putzing around at the shell prompt, finally have sites recovered from security breach. #RoyalWasteOfTime #StupidSEOHackers #
  • So much for being productive, spent >2hrs doing forensics on my webserver. Apparently hacked due to a WP plugin vulnerability it seems ๐Ÿ™ #
  • Quoted in Communication of the ACM article for part of my PhD research: 'Eye-Tracking Interfaces Look for Killer App' http://k9.vc/aQE6f5 #
  • I think most other players in the mobile space underestimate the amount of developer momentum Apple has for the iPhone/iPad. #mindshare #
  • Anyone @Stanford know whether the Thai Cafe is back/reopened yet? If so, where is it now? #
  • IMHO all anti-virus software these days is equivalent to bloatware/crapware. #
  • Trying to figure out by Norton Anti-virus thinks that http://k9ventures.com is unsafe! http://k9.vc/cTklKU Anyone have any tips? #
  • Congrats @Eric_ModCloth. Look forward to hearing more soon. RT @peHUB: ModCloth Tries On Some Better-Fitting Funding http://dlvr.it/1C1gv #
  • Test tweet, please ignore. #

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Twitter updates for 2010-05-25

  • Pretty darn cool. RT @singularityhub: @Stanford UAV Can Land and Take Off From the Side of a Wall (Video) http://bit.ly/9FuqDc #
  • Good to see a link to Tech Review article on my eye tracking research below the article though! ๐Ÿ™‚ http://k9.vc/94ByFN #
  • IMHO eye tracking on mobile phones is not very useful yet. RT @techreview: Eye Tracking for Mobile Control http://bit.ly/bLB5o6 #
  • My hunch is that a lot of my browsing/GMail problems lately were a result of using the Google Mail Checker extension on Chrome. Anyone else? #
  • NYTimes on P2P music sharing lawsuit against LimeWire. 'Idea Man of LimeWire at a Crossroads' – http://nyti.ms/aKuQn9 #
  • Some call it 'the pacifier,' others call it 'the binky,' to me it's simply 'the mute button' http://twitpic.com/1qorrd #
  • Well put by my cousin: "Indian consulates/high commissions around the world are like little pieces of Indian incompetency transported." #
  • Here's how I really feel about the Indian Consulate in SF: <insert choicest expletives here> #
  • +1 RT @albertwenger: Voting at #tcdisrupt is powered by #twilio – awesome! #
  • Lots of startup acquisitions these days, but it's hard to tease out which ones are really strategic acquisitions vs. which are aqui-hires. #
  • Love the tagline for @TechCrunch Disrupt: "Create Destroy Repeat" http://k9.vc/9NNWsl #tcdisrupt #
  • Just finished testing new beta release for an exciting new product – cool stuff. Great work by the Project Oscar team. #ComingSoon #

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Twitter updates for 2010-05-24

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