Tag Archives: Twitter

Twitter updates for 2010-06-02

  • #plan Carnegie Mellon SCS/ECE Alumni Picnic… Sat, Jul 3, 2010, 1-4:00pm http://planca.st/2Mx #
  • Standing behind last row of chairs. Woman pulls up chair behind me. Sits down. Says: 'You're standing in my way.' #ReallySherlock #Snapped #
  • 'key thing we learnt from the class is to not give things away for free' :@gankit #LaunchPad Kudos! Cc @akothari @mcgd #
  • Production quality videos becoming norm for all classes and startups. Video creation and editing is becoming a #requiredskill #
  • At the @Stanford d.school for the #Launchpad course final presentations. Full house. 11 startups presenting http://twitpic.com/1t4l0w #
  • Cool magic tricks involving the iPad πŸ™‚ RT @echeng: RT @tonywu: Best use of an iPad that I've seen! http://twu.tw/bx4IpB #
  • Only in the tech industry is getting 'handcuffed' considered to be a good thing! (Handcuffs — time spent at acquiring company) #exits #
  • Decided I'm going to minimize meetings this month in favor of trying to recover from current deficit and get better control of my todos. #
  • Phone trees #suck Companies that use them should publish a visual version/map on their contact page and allow short-circuiting voice menus. #
  • Breakfast meeting β€” at Il Fornaio http://gowal.la/v/c/QRMT/tw #

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Twitter updates for 2010-05-31

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Twitter updates for 2010-05-30

  • RT @CarnegieMellon: Pres. Obama to visit Carnegie Mellon on Wednesday! We'll let you know when we have details. #
  • RT @fredwilson: Why Taxing Carried Interest As Ordinary Income Is Good Policy http://bit.ly/ab0p3D #
  • .@j_lin Gestural UIs need built in training to help users understand the designer's way of thinking, to expose features & help user remember #
  • RT @j_lin: Today's gesture UIs are like command-line interfaces in that you have to memorize them. Here's more: http://ignco.de/290 #
  • Maybe swap ad UI w/ privacy UI? RT @jboutelle: Facebook ad interface so much easier to use than adwords it's not even funny. #
  • Cool. RT @newsycombinator: Perfect email regex finally found http://bit.ly/dnDzJa #
  • RT @danprimack: Breaking: House okays carried interest tax hike. Now onto the Senate… (well, when they get back from break) #
  • Twitter needs to take a lesson from Facebook and not expire my login cooike as often as they do. #
  • RT @todfrancis: What BP does not want you to see. Nasty. http://bit.ly/c1et41 #
  • I've said it before and I'll say it again: Stealth is overrated. Startups should use every opportunity to get their name out. #
  • Bunker around the green was giving me a stiff upper lip: http://twitpic.com/1s7g4a Conquered: http://twitpic.com/1s7gb6 cc @salimismail #
  • Golf w/@salimismail β€” at Palo Alto Golf Course http://gowal.la/v/c/PTxe/tw #
  • Hoping @Twitter doesn't mess w/ @BPGlobalPR & @SarahPalinUSA acounts. Can verify real ones, but there is a place for satire. #
  • RT @RobGlaser: Has "We Report, You Decide" become "We Distort, You Try To Catch Us"? Fox has been caught in a whopper: http://j.mp/8YT6xv #

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Twitter updates for 2010-05-29

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