- We're in Q3 already? Yikes. #
- Curious as to how many VC firms actually contribute investment data to the MoneyTree Report? So far everyone I've asked has said they don't. #
- If you've emailed me lately and I haven't responded, my apologies. Running way behind, and need to find time to catch up. #
- RT @kgreene: What if you could download apps to your camera like you do with your smartphone? http://bit.ly/bfXmHp #computationalphotography #
- Glad to see it's not just me. RT @kennycanuck: Comcast is frustrating! #
- My disdain/contempt for Comcast only increases everytime I interact with the company. Usually to fight about their billing practices. #Argh #
- Congrats @Eric_ModCloth! RT @TechCrunch: ModCloth Raises $19.8 Million Series B For Indie Fashion – http://tcrn.ch/a7zxKL by @jasonkincaid #
- It's July 1st, does that mean VC Holiday Season (July/August) has officially started already!? #
- Love Woot's sense of humor 🙂 RT @TechCrunch: Woot On Being Acquired By Amazon: Woot! – http://tcrn.ch/boZIIK by @parislemon #
- +1 RT @auren: Google contacts still does not really work – cannot handle large files. Eagerly waiting for their next version #
Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter updates for 2010-07-01
- +1 RT @cdixon: Micro-VCs are a return to old school VC. The only time lots of big funds had good returns was during the dot-com bubble. #
- RT @davemcclure: Observatn: all other things equal, the shorter, fatter, less attractive, minority, weird person is likely more competent. #
- HBS 2010 Entrepreneurial Company of the Year Dinner as a guest of Opus Capital — at Sofitel Hotel http://gowal.la/r/k3jb #
- Friends of Sierra Ventures — at Sierra Ventures http://gowal.la/r/k1BN #
- Should be called 'The Elusive Inbox Zero' RT @ChrisFRC: From 'You've Got Mail' To 'Inbox Zero': http://bit.ly/bpTbD3 book by Merlin Mann #
- Skeptical of analytics on imperfect/incomplete datasets, but good to see. RT @peHUB: Angel Investing By The Numbers http://dlvr.it/29bYw #
- #Friend RT @sonajain: Chapter 1 of FOR REAL DIARY: the intimate behind-the-scene story of making an indie over 8 years. http://mee.bo/buYakj #
- Users should own/decide on their data. RT @TechCrunch: Twitpic Blocks Posterous' Import Tool; Out Come The Lawyers http://tcrn.ch/9Bcm41 #
- RT @jeff: Most Re: Curious as to how many of the recent high-valuation financings have had some component of founder liquidity to them? #
- Curious as to how many of the recent high-valuations financings have had some component of founder liquidity to them? #
- Finally someone does justice to Chatroulette. RT @newsycombinator: R.I.P. Chatroulette, 2009-2010 http://bit.ly/af0hlq #
- ooh… I'm gonna have to do this soon. @posterous is killing it. RT @posterous: Rescue your photos from TwitPic http://post.ly/lCoo #
- RT @peHUB: The Effect of Secondary Market Sales on 409A Valuations http://dlvr.it/27y3b #
- Lot's of attention on Micro-VCs/SuperAngel Funds RT @robgo: Making Sense of Micro-VC and Super Angels – A Primer. http://bit.ly/au2u1M #
- Google just needs to fix it. RT @avc: Linking To Google Maps http://bit.ly/avCH2d #
- RT @peHUB: Tesla Raises $229 Million in IPO http://dlvr.it/27VgF #
- RT @gramkumar: Actively looking to hire software engineers to join the visual search team at A9: http://lnkd.in/iDUaaD #
- RT @shaig: stat: ~60K people viewed live broadcast of #Eventtech on @justintv – you can watch archived broadcast at http://www.justin.tv/eventtech #
- IMHO No. Potential 4 conflict of interest real & perceived. RT @ZelkovaVC: Should venture funds be allowed to invest in other venture funds? #
- lol RT @garrytan: Gray Powell has been reassigned to the "Find My iPhone" app team. (via @ceoSteveJobs) #
- Patent system remains a mess. RT @TechCrunch: The Supreme Court Punts On Business Method Patents – http://tcrn.ch/94q0D0 by @erickschonfeld #
Twitter updates for 2010-06-30
- Congrats Matt! RT @papakipos: Now that Chrome OS & WebGL are in good shape, it's time for something new. I'm going to work @ Facebook! Woot! #
- Best impromptu and quick discussions with portfolio company founders/ceos happen over GTalk. #IMRocks #
- Phew! Found my phone (in the john!) after misplacing it. Checked everywhere, including car, closet, refrigerator & freezer! #ScatterBrained #
- Same here. RT @semilshah: @manukumar @shaig for what it's worth, I see the web through Twitter; spend the most of my browsing time on it #
- Albert Wenger hits the nail on the head ++ RT @albertwenger: Some Thoughts on the Super Angel Funding Discussion http://tumblr.com/xbkcbz47s #
- Good post. RT @gkgandhi: Can You Fire Your Friend? http://on.wsj.com/97hpyM #
- #TransitiveTrust RT @papakipos: I love that in this busy crazy over-connected world i can still keep a secret among friends. #
- 🙂 RT @marmon: Quite possibly the most awesome thing on all of Apple.com: http://www.apple.com/ipad/velcro/ via @mantia #
- RT @twilio: RT @truvoip2: How to install OpenVBX by Twilio on any webhosting server [Video Tutorial] http://su.pr/1O4fhT #
- Great pics RT @echeng New post: Charles Babbage's Difference Engine http://bit.ly/cAUgtm #
- +1 RT @dkhare: Agreed. And execution is under-rated. RT @cdixon: Competition is overrated http://bit.ly/aI6p0N #justdoit #
- .@shaig Don't ding those who don't tweet often. Go on the basis who tweets stuff that's useful! #QualityOverQuantityOrFrequency #
- Good discussion. Agree that seed is getting saturated. RT @anand_raj: The Coming Super-Seed Crash http://dlvr.it/23dhT (via @pkedrosky) #
- RT @davemcclure: quotable PG @YCombinator "You can't start ITERATING until u launch something people care enough to COMPLAIN about" #FooCamp #
- RT @davemcclure: quotable PG @YCombinator "Startups are rarely killed by a Competitor – more likely they're killed by YOU SUCKING" #FooCamp #
- RT @davemcclure: quotable PG @YCombinator "Startup founders who prevsly know each other have greater success than those who don't" #FooCamp #
- RT @davemcclure: quotable PG @YCombinator: "People are to a #Startup what Location is to Real Estate" #FooCamp #
- RT @Stanford: The Stanford Solar Car Project is currently in the American Solar Car Challenge. Follow their progress at http://bit.ly/a7gUX4 #
- Great post and analysis. RT @deekay: Retina scientist analyzes Apple's retina display http://bit.ly/bVDdXH #
- Awesome marketing by Heineken! RT @wences: Unbelievable that they really did this! http://bit.ly/bwZqlK #
- Just 20? RT @cdixon: I've met 20 people who "founded PayPal" and 20 people who "lead the investment in Akamai". #
- Honored to be on Evan's list. RT @evanreas: "Silicon Valley Superlatives" aka most impressive Valley-Folks http://bit.ly/bi654J #
- Congrats to friends at Palantir! RT @TechCrunch: Palantir: Next Billion$$ Company Raises $90 Million – http://tcrn.ch/arjigC by @evelynrusli #
- RT @newsycombinator: Antenna designer writes about the iPhone 4 http://bit.ly/9XYXk9 #
Twitter updates for 2010-06-29
- RT @CrowdFlower: RT @timoreilly: Great idea from @crowdflower: Crowdsourcing the Goldman Sachs Investigation http://bit.ly/9o4uoG #gov20 #
- Congrats @zachcoelius! RT @TechCrunch: Triggit Raises $4.2 Million For Its Demand Side Ad Platform – http://tcrn.ch/cyzvTg by @jasonkincaid #
- 🙂 RT @photomatt: RT @ceoSteveJobs: I heard the CEO of AT&T got married recently. The service was great but the reception was terrible. #
- Cool! Congrats to the D.light team cc @ericadestrada @Stanford RT @peHUB: D.light Design Raises $5.5 Million http://dlvr.it/20HDX #
- Great post Evan! RT @evanreas: "Hey Entrepreneurs, Skip the MBA" -Sincerely, Stanford MBA http://bit.ly/9puWoM #startups #mba #
Twitter updates for 2010-06-28
- RT @trinityventures: 23 Million tasks completed?? Wow. CrowdFlower workers sure work hard. http://bit.ly/bTFNXj http://fb.me/AJcoog2v #
- RT @jrpowers: eBay acquired RedLaser. More on our blog: http://occipital.com/blog/2010/06/23/2010-at-occipital/ #
- Congrat to @Occipital team: @jrpowers @vikasreddy RT @TechCrunch: eBay Acquires Barcode Scanning iPhone App RedLaser http://tcrn.ch/b71mlJ #
- But have backups for the deep dive 🙂 RT @fredwilson: Keep your deck to six slides http://bit.ly/98hV9x #
- Awesome view of Memorial Auditorium & the Quad from top of Hoover Tower at @Stanford http://twitpic.com/20ju43 http://twitpic.com/20juk3 #
- First time at the top of Hoover Tower after 8 years! — at Hoover Tower http://gowal.la/r/fqMP #
- Crepes w/ @hanakumar & @reachanika — at Coupa Cafe (Green Library) http://gowal.la/r/fpjo #
- Reviewing diligence docs and long-form docs. #BoringButNecessary #
- RT @google: Google Voice now open to everyone http://bit.ly/dzPpwR #
- RT @skypedeveloper: Introducing the SkypeKit Beta Program http://bit.ly/aAWUFn #skype #sdk #
- Thanks Ann! RT @annimaniac: Congrats to @manukumar for launch of K9! #