Tag Archives: Twitter

Twitter updates for 2010-07-02

  • We're in Q3 already? Yikes. #
  • Curious as to how many VC firms actually contribute investment data to the MoneyTree Report? So far everyone I've asked has said they don't. #
  • If you've emailed me lately and I haven't responded, my apologies. Running way behind, and need to find time to catch up. #
  • RT @kgreene: What if you could download apps to your camera like you do with your smartphone? http://bit.ly/bfXmHp #computationalphotography #
  • Glad to see it's not just me. RT @kennycanuck: Comcast is frustrating! #
  • My disdain/contempt for Comcast only increases everytime I interact with the company. Usually to fight about their billing practices. #Argh #
  • Congrats @Eric_ModCloth! RT @TechCrunch: ModCloth Raises $19.8 Million Series B For Indie Fashion – http://tcrn.ch/a7zxKL by @jasonkincaid #
  • It's July 1st, does that mean VC Holiday Season (July/August) has officially started already!? #
  • Love Woot's sense of humor 🙂 RT @TechCrunch: Woot On Being Acquired By Amazon: Woot! – http://tcrn.ch/boZIIK by @parislemon #
  • +1 RT @auren: Google contacts still does not really work – cannot handle large files. Eagerly waiting for their next version #

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Twitter updates for 2010-07-01

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Twitter updates for 2010-06-30

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Twitter updates for 2010-06-29

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Twitter updates for 2010-06-28

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