- It's hard to get rid of the entrepreneurial bug once you're bitten. #NoTwiceShy #
- The most annoying tweets nowadays come from people who've configured their @withings weighing scale to tweet their weight. #dontcare #
Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter updates for 2010-07-17
- Works great. Especially improves the camera app. RT @joshu: what is the consensus on iOS4 on 3gs? #
- Explains why previous tweets wouldn't go thru on FB. RT @benparr: Facebook Breaks All Bit.ly Links, Marks Them as Abusive http://ow.ly/2cKbB #
- Will be there! RT @CrowdFlower: SF Crowdsourcing meetup on Monday http://bit.ly/cl8P4w – come see @jimgiles, Jeff Heer and Pat McKenna #
- +1 RT @priyacmu: Asked an amazing entrepreneur why he ran a company. His response, "It's a combination of passion and stupidity." Love it! #
- Check out @zimride zimride.com cc @logangreen @johnzimmer RT @bijan: Thinking out loud about an idea: Ride Sharing – http://bijan.vc/cgCkiw #
- Funny. RT @erickschonfeld: Ha, we posted the "iPhone 4 Antenna Song" last night, now Apple is opening press conf w/it http://tcrn.ch/9JyF1O #
- TechCrunch's coverage of Apple Press Conference uses iFrame that makes it impossible to read w/out constantly scrolling up/down. #FAIL #
- .@msuster Thanks Mark. Re product we discussed — Just waiting for AppStore approval from Apple. iPhone version will be live any day now! #
- +1 RT @newsycombinator: It's official: Software will be unpatentable in NZ http://bit.ly/9t6YNJ #
- RT @dcancel: Stop focusing on other startups. Focus on serving your customers. Your enemy shd be established businesses not other startups. #
- .@msuster Thanks for the kind words for @k9ventures in your post (http://bothsid.es/6nF). Great summary of the state of the VC industry. #
- Another great post by Mark. RT @msuster: What's Really Going on in the VC Industry? What's does it Mean for Startups? http://bothsid.es/6nF #
- RT @ShalinSShah: @manukumar As a friend pointed out regarding Goldman's settlment "didn't tiger woods pay more than that"? #
- Congrats @dsiroker & @pkoomen RT @TechCrunch: Optimizely Makes It Remarkably Easy To Run A/B Tests On Your Website http://tcrn.ch/bwmweK #
Twitter updates for 2010-07-16
- Congrats @layerboom @treveoro @bootuplabs @dannyrobinson RT @layerboom: Layerboom is now part of Joyent! http://blog.layerboom.com #
- RT @a4agarwal: Cool bridge connecting two countries next to each other that drive on different sides of the road http://post.ly/nK2v #
- Won't make it to the @ChurchillClub event featuring Shai Agassi from @betterplace, but hoping to catch it online at 7pm: http://k9.vc/byenDN #
- Naked electric cars. KleenSpeed: http://twitpic.com/25n6lw @Stanford Solar Car: http://twitpic.com/25n6sd #electriccarporn #
- This is what Renovo Motors' 'stealth electric car' looks like: http://twitpic.com/25mgj8 #invisible #
- Electric vehicle conceived, designed & BUILT by @Stanford Product Design students in 10wks 4 short range mobility http://twitpic.com/25me75 #
- The car. It took first place in the electric car race at Laguna Seca yesterday RT @cansar: @manukumar the car is or you are? or both? #
- The @Stanford Solar Car (driven in the Australian and American Solar car races!) http://twitpic.com/25mc5a #
- KleenSpeed electric race car http://twitpic.com/25m853 (just back from Laguna Seca) #
- Quotable from ERex: "not all electric cars need to look like golf carts" #
- Quotable from Prong Motors: "Our car weighs 800lbs. Just the battery pack of the Tesla is 800lbs" #
- Pictures from the CARS Concept Car Showcase http://twitpic.com/25m62j http://twitpic.com/25m68l http://twitpic.com/25m6dj #
- Center for Automotive Research at @Stanford (CARS) Concept Car Showcase — at Stanford University http://gowal.la/r/Fsnd #
- Headed to CARS @Stanford Concept Car Showcase featuring: KleenSpeed, Optamotive, Prong Motors, Renovo, Stanford Solar Car, Twill Tech, Weng #
- Most times I fight my inbox, but then there are some emails that just make my day. Congrats to a @k9ventures portfolio co on huge milestone. #
- Shout out to @ShalinSShah for hooking me up with some great info on USPS! @twitter and #6degrees worked great in this case. #
- .@mylifeandart Good to chat w/you Irina. Hope it's not too hard to distill my wandering thoughts and edit through the umms & ahs 🙂 #
- Thanks! RT @mylifeandart: @manukumar Thx, Manu! Great insights on angel investing & entrepreneurship. Your interview will be published soon. #
- Noticing that @Twitter finally changed the format of the follow email. So much better. cc @othman #
- RT @erickschonfeld: RT @stevecheney: all apple needs to do is coat the stainless steel w/an insulator (mid-run tweak from Foxconn). do it. #
- Really? That's it? @NYTimes: Goldman Sachs to Settle Securities Claim for $550 Million http://k9.vc/c1pWao #
- RT @SCSatCMU: Peter Lee, former CSD Head at Carnegie Mellon, is new managing director, Microsoft Research Redmond http://bit.ly/dqDDlI #
- Looking fwd to chatting. RT @mylifeandart: Getting ready to interview @manukumar for my seed angel investing series http://bit.ly/aVPRlb #
- No more Rs. now you have to type… wait, can't type it yet. RT @newsycombinator: New symbol for Indian Rupee http://bit.ly/d2cu7Z #
- Picking up doughnuts for early morning code review meeting at portfolio Co! — at Krispy Kreme Doughnuts http://gowal.la/r/E4sw #
Twitter updates for 2010-07-15
- +1 for founder liquidity in big rounds. RT @TechCrunch: Foursquare Founders Pull Out $4.6M From Last $20M Round – http://tcrn.ch/d7sFYj #
- With the number of big$$ rounds happening, it seems like the insititutional VCs are confident of the return of the IPO. #
- Ideally use pair prog & review as you go. o/w at major milestones. RT @gabegundy: @manukumar how often and when do you review code? #
- Reviews are for logic/arch & org. Compilers tak care of syntax. RT @arjunsethi: @manukumar maybe you should not be code reviewing it then 😉 #
- I was #CodeCzar in a past-life 🙂 RT @ManishRathi: @manukumar don't know too many investors who do code review #entrepreneur at-heart #
- Preparing for code inspection/review for portfolio Co. A lot harder when it's in a language you're not familiar with! #doh #scramble #
- #geeky RT @golan: Horsing around w/ @kcimc, we came up with these hand poses that fool the #OpenCV face detector. http://bit.ly/faceyhands #
- Absolutely love that Google Calendar can send me email reminders and lets me create multiple reminders for an event #GCal101 #
- Looking for a high-level contact at the USPS (yes, I do mean the US Postal Service!). Know anyone? Would appreciate an intro. #6degrees #
- Creating a reminder on my calendar for 2013! Yikes. #
- Was hoping to catch up on accounting but @QuickBooks Online seems to be @QuickBooks Offline today. #OnToOtherToDos #ContextSwitch #
- Awesome name for co w/elephant logo RT @TechCrunch: Evernote Launches Trunk, A Showcase Of Evernote-Enabled Products – http://tcrn.ch/9ngsni #
- Not everyone will get this/find it funny, but some will 🙂 RT @msbernst: Dangit, this HTML document has a two-<body> problem. #
- RT @fredwilson: Some Thoughts On The Seed Fund Phenomenon http://www.avc.com/a_vc/2010/07/some-thoughts-on-the-seed-fund-phenomenon.html #
- Integrate Skype into your apps. Cool. RT @skypedeveloper: SkypeKit now available for Mac and Windows developers http://bit.ly/cVnJ1D #
Twitter updates for 2010-07-14
- RT @honam: Holy cow, great prank! Jewel goes undercover to sing her own songs at a karaoke bar: http://j.mp/undercoverjewel /via @shiflett #
- Wish I had a script that automatically muted @davemcclure whenever he tweets <FIREHOSE ON> & then unmuted him when he tweets <FIREHOSE OFF> #
- CA Vehicle Registration/License Fees are daylight robbery. That's what you get for being in The Golden State. #ZipCarLookingBetterEveryday #
- #plan Crowdsourcing Work Meetup (455 Valencia) Mon, Jul 19, 2010 http://planca.st/50X #
- RT @theonezozo: With great .edu email address comes great responsibility. http://bit.ly/apEEie #
- I like most animals, but I have nothing but contempt/evil wishes for the crows that wake me up early in the morning. #WheresMySlingShot #
- RT @garrytan: Garry's SF Guide to Where Your Startup Should Be (updated with commentary!) http://bit.ly/crCb9J #
- RT @Werner: Expanding the Cloud – Cluster Compute Instances for Amazon EC2 http://bit.ly/9TuZr2 #