Tag Archives: Twitter

Twitter updates for 2010-07-31

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Twitter updates for 2010-07-30

  • #Startup2Sartup β€” at Stonebrook Historic House http://gowal.la/r/YpvT #
  • 'It is important to pick the winners, but it's also important that the winners pick you' : Sam Altman (@sama) from Loopt. #AngelConf #
  • 'Luck is a goddess that needs to be worshipped as o/w she will go to someone else' :@m2jr being humble abt success as superangel #AngelConf #
  • Joshua Schachter (@joshu) says don't be like VCs who give entrepreneurs the SHITS: Show High Interest and Then Stall #AngelConf #
  • #AngelConf PG predicts that there will be no fixed amount raised, no lead, and no closing date. Rolling closes and merely nominal leads. #
  • RT @davemcclure: bio on @MKapor , founder of Lotus 123 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_Kapor #AngelConf #
  • 'there is a VC playbook — that's why they all sound the same' : @mkapor #AngelConf #
  • '2/3 of all of @sequoiacap's early stage investments had some number of angels involved in those companies' :Greg McAdoo #AngelConf #
  • 'The biggest source of deals were entrepreneurs that I hadn't invested in, but tried to help them anyway' :@ariel #AngelConf #
  • 'When angels become successful, they become superangels, and then they start to suck' :@arrington #AngelConf #
  • 'There's an entire generation of entrepreneurs building dipshit companies to sell them to GOOG for $25M' as quoted by @arrington #AngelConf #
  • 'I'm very good at blogging, where there is very little upside or downside to picking the winners' :@arrington #AngelConf #
  • #AngelConf @jeff expelling the difference between angels, superangels, uVCs (micro-VCs), and VCs. http://twitpic.com/29tcf5 #
  • Watch #AngelConf live at http://www.justin.tv/ycombinator (Hat tip @garrttan) #
  • 'entrepreneurs are crystal balls for the tech industry' : @ronconway #
  • Here at #AngelConf with a whole bunch of interesting angel investors. Thanks to @ycombinator for organizing! http://twitpic.com/29t8mh #
  • Fascinating yet somber discussion on NPR's Fresh Air: 'Dr. Atul Gawande: Make End Of Life More Humane' http://k9.vc/csUr81 #
  • AngelConf β€” at Y Combinator http://gowal.la/r/YmrD #
  • RT @hunterwalk: .@youtube upload limit increased to 15 minutes. http://bit.ly/9sRPbN #
  • Did the mistake of sitting inside at Peet's at Town and Country Village. Now I smell like coffee. Ugh. #
  • .@Hobees lol. I use Chief Firestarter as my title as a reference to helping start companies πŸ™‚ So you don't have anything to worry about. #
  • lol RT @Hobees: @manukumar We hope it's outside! (Do not want a repeat of the Great Fire of '96!) #
  • Starting fires… β€” at Hobee's http://gowal.la/r/Yjfr #

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Twitter updates for 2010-07-29

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