Tag Archives: Twitter

Twitter updates for 2010-10-27

  • Very cool. Wish it let me see/sort by Avg Cust Review tho! RT @Werner: Amazon Windowshop for iPad has launched – http://www.windowshop.com/ #
  • Did more today! 🙂 RT @sidviswanathan: I'm wondering who actually did more CardMunch demos at #FailCon yesterday, myself or @manukumar #
  • Will be at PayPal #xinnovate tomorrow. At the Microsoft #VCSummit today. Lot's of good events this week! cc @sudeepy622 @sidviswanathan #
  • Got reprimanded for trying to take a iPhone picture during the IE 9 demo. Doh! So no pics folks, sorry! #VCSummit #
  • Ballmer on the cloud: 'We're all in.' http://twitpic.com/312o28 #VCSummit #
  • Ballmer on Bing: 'If there is no competition then I [referring to VCs] would invest in any advertising based businesses' #VCSummit #
  • Ballmer: 'it's not about unit volumes, it's about mojo' #phones #VCSummit #
  • Ballmer says on mobile 'We made a mistake, but we *don't* give up. We keep coming. We have lot's of funding so to speak' #VCSummit #
  • Ballmer says Microsoft sold 240M copies of Windows 7. 'Got ripped off for another 100M, 65M of that in China' #VCSummit #
  • Have to say that I feel just a tad guilty walking into the Microsoft #VCSummit w/ an iPad & an iPhone 😉 #
  • Steve Ballmer giving an overview of Microsoft's focus in different areas. http://twitpic.com/312kio #VCSummit #
  • Microsoft VC Summit 2010 — at Microsoft Building 1 http://gowal.la/c/2Lwva?137 #

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Twitter updates for 2010-10-26

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Twitter updates for 2010-10-25

  • Incredibly productive Sunday for bringing some much needed semblance of order to my office desk. Just need a few more days like this one! #
  • #humancomputation "CardMunch. Because sometimes human drones are better than our best computing devices." http://bit.ly/aIlUsp #
  • Also successfully refilled old cartridge w/toner & new chip! Now I can finally print again. Was driving me nuts! http://twitpic.com/30komj #
  • Successfully tracked down problem w/ a new toner cartridge to a stuck internal bushing. Filed/WD40'd. Fixed! http://twitpic.com/30ko5n #
  • I'm at Coupa Cafe (Green Library) in CA http://gowal.la/c/2KToZ?137 #

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Twitter updates for 2010-10-23

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Twitter updates for 2010-10-22

  • Dear @Twitter, can you just grow up & start serving more than 200 tweets in an API call — even in your own app! http://twitpic.com/2zodt9 #
  • Founders Showcase — at Microsoft Building 1 http://gowal.la/c/2JL7F?137 #
  • #plan VC Connect: Ask a VC (2 Palo Alto Square) Tue, Oct 26, 2010, 6-8:00pm http://planca.st/F9K #
  • #plan Canaan's Web After Dark: The Official Web 2.0 Summit Opening Night Party (The Bently Reserve) Mon, Nov 15, 2010 http://planca.st/F9C #
  • Thanks Atul. Figured it was some political big wig 🙂 RT @atul: @manukumar This is the event in Palo Alto – http://k9.vc/95piqw #
  • Wondering what 'special event' is 4 which Palo Alto police is notifying residents of road closures this evening on Embarcadero & MiddleField #

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