- Psyched to be playing w/ a new dev build of @CardMunch v2.0. Some very cool new features. Thanks @bowei! #comingsoon #
Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter updates for 2010-11-05
- It was nice of @reachanika to stop my the new @k9ventures digs to offer some design/decorating tips http://twitpic.com/33zcct #
Twitter updates for 2010-11-04
- How's this for a bizarre request: Anyone have a thermal imaging camera lying around that I could borrow for a day or two 😉 #
Twitter updates for 2010-11-03
- Used @hipmunk to search for flights. Loved it. Good #UI rules. Tho also have some small suggestions to make planning long flights easier. #
- Loving the tagline for @zimride in @logangreen's email signature: "Life is better when you share the ride." #
- Begs to be repeated: 3 most important (& most difficult) things in a #startup are: 1. People, 2. People, 3. People. http://k9.vc/20tweets #
- It really is funny when I get pitches for dog-related products/cos. Show's sender didn't dig any deeper than the fund name: @k9ventures 😉 #
- My Yes vote for Jerry Brown today was really more of a No vote to Meg Whitman's $140M. Don't like idea of governorship being bought w/big $s #
- Uh-oh, that can't be good! RT @DShankar: This is the third time in one night that I've exclaimed "@manukumar was RIGHT!" #
- Dropping off my Mail-in Ballot — at Palo Alto City Hall http://gowal.la/c/2P6iZ #
Twitter updates for 2010-11-02
- This is odd. Unlike MSFT to buy a chip company. NYTimes: Microsoft Buying Canesta to Bolster Gesture Technology – http://nyti.ms/9HjqZc #
- Contacts & Calendaring are so fundamental to everyday work, yet so freaking broken & braindead. #RipeForChange #
- Love how the NYTimes rips into Sony's 75-button remote! 'Preparing to Lose the TV Remote for Good' http://nyti.ms/9vQjTp #
- Wow, so far I've done absolutely nothing of what I planned to do today, but it's been a non-stop day already. #InterruptDriven #
- #plan Startup2Startup – The Private Company Stock Market (Palo Alto, CA) Mon, Nov 8, 2010 http://planca.st/GBI #
- Being blown away — at Refocus Imaging http://gowal.la/c/2NLKz #