- Just nominated @cardmunch for Best Mobile App http://mash.to/2ImZn #MashableAwards #
- Hmm… This Nutella pudding http://twitpic.com/399wuy was the 2nd best thing abt my lunch at @Google. 1st was chatting w/Zoltan. #
- Great soundbites on KQED this morning: "You don't have to be straight, you just have to shoot straight" (in ref to Don't Ask Don't Tell) #
- Great soundbites on KQED this morning: "If you're talking about carrots and sticks, you're treating them like donkeys" (in ref to N. Korea) #
- Great soundbites on KQED this morning: "It's not Alzheimers it's Old Timers" #
- Lunch w/Zoltan — at Google World HQ http://gowal.la/c/2XbWb #
Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter updates for 2010-11-22
- There's room for innovation here! RT @TechCrunch: In The Era Of The Connected Camera, The Point & Shoot Commits Seppuku http://t.co/EYPDyqK #
- http://godgrewtiredofus.com/ an amazing film re Lost Boys. NYTimes: Lost Boys of Sudan Regain a Bit of Their History – http://nyti.ms/ayDZxT #
- Guess I'm afflicted too… could read the whole article! NYTimes: Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction – http://nyti.ms/a60ySl #
- If only we could all recharge by plugging in to a 30-pin connector! @reachanika seems to think so: http://twitpic.com/38yvig #
- Watched 'Temple Grandin' http://k9.vc/92Azzo — great movie. Loved the design thinking and perseverance. Worth watching. #
Twitter updates for 2010-11-21
- Welcome to the neighborhood 🙂 RT @SSELabs: New office set up and new SSE Labs class settling in at the office. http://yfrog.com/15dr7mj #
- #plan SVB Holiday Party for Startups (Menlo Park, CA) Wed, Dec 8, 2010, 6-9:00pm http://planca.st/HzZ #
- If we've interacted w/each other, I welcome your honest & anonymous feedback/review on @honestlyreviews at http://k9.vc/cUcr7m #
- Rapiscan – did they really think thru that name? RT @TechCrunch: Lone TSA Twitter Account Fights Entire Internet http://tcrn.ch/bkJJJG #
Twitter updates for 2010-11-20
- RT @anthonyha: Confirmed: Accel sold Facebook shares at $34B valuation http://bit.ly/cvh3C8 #
- Lunch w/ @carterkev & @topherc — at The Grove SOMA http://gowal.la/c/2VQWQ #
- Catching up w/ @bragiel — at i/o ventures http://gowal.la/c/2VNrJ #
- Running late for meetings! — at Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco http://gowal.la/c/2VLSn #
Twitter updates for 2010-11-19
- "Fixing email as a venture funded startup will be *really* hard" :@biji from Xoopit/Yahoo #InboxLove #BestTalkTonight #
- "We serve email, it doesn't always serve us" :@gbilbrey from ReturnPath #Truth #
- Listening to @twephanie talk about Google Wave at #InboxLove dinner. Great group of people here. Thanks @davemcclure & @500Startups #
- Inbox Love, is that an oxymoron? Only for now! — at Inbox Love Dinner http://gowal.la/c/2VtQo #
- I'm at Google World HQ in Mountain View, CA http://gowal.la/c/2VtPp #
- Catching up w/ the CardMunch team — at CardMunch http://gowal.la/c/2VojZ #
- Cooley's Q3 2010 Venture Financing Report describes VC as "A Continued Mix of Optimisim and Caution" http://k9.vc/9cgukv #
- Congrats! RT @landay: Here is a ranking UW CSE can get behind–#3 in best papers in major HCI / AI / Web conferences http://t.co/yPpE70G #