Tag Archives: Twitter

Twitter updates for 2010-11-23

  • Just nominated @cardmunch for Best Mobile App http://mash.to/2ImZn #MashableAwards #
  • Hmm… This Nutella pudding http://twitpic.com/399wuy was the 2nd best thing abt my lunch at @Google. 1st was chatting w/Zoltan. #
  • Great soundbites on KQED this morning: "You don't have to be straight, you just have to shoot straight" (in ref to Don't Ask Don't Tell) #
  • Great soundbites on KQED this morning: "If you're talking about carrots and sticks, you're treating them like donkeys" (in ref to N. Korea) #
  • Great soundbites on KQED this morning: "It's not Alzheimers it's Old Timers" #
  • Lunch w/Zoltan — at Google World HQ http://gowal.la/c/2XbWb #

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Twitter updates for 2010-11-22

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Twitter updates for 2010-11-21

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Twitter updates for 2010-11-19

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