- Congrats @quixotic @jweiner08 @EllenLevy @dpatil @adamnash @robbykwok @emiliemc @dtunkelang on @LinkedIn IPO filing! #
- Congrats to all my friends at LinkedIn! RT @LinkedIn: LinkedIn files registration statement for Initial Public Offering http://bit.ly/gQVrWq #
- RT @alexia: If freedom of speech is a human right, then so is Internet access. #
Tag Archives: Twitter
Twitter updates for 2011-01-28
- 500 Mentors' dinner — at 500 Startups http://gowal.la/c/3r92B #
- RT @christine: Just finished the last of 20 live team interviews for @sselabs with @manukumar @georgezachary and alex kinnier. WHEW! #
- Interviews for @sselabs — at The Old Union http://gowal.la/c/3qYGt #
- RT @CardMunch: We like it too! 🙂 RT @vpetersson: Best pricing-page ever: http://www.cardmunch.com/pricing.html #
Twitter updates for 2011-01-27
- Damn! Never had this happen before! RT @TrendsSF: Manu Kumar, @manukumar is now trending in #SF http://trendsmap.com/us/san+francisco #
- RT @tydanco: @CardMunch Acquired by @LinkedIn: An Investor's Viewpoint http://bit.ly/gmFgqM This is one acquisition that totally makes sense #
- RT @CardMunch: Thank you to all of our investors: @K9Ventures @manukumar @500startups @davemcclure @mkapor & @tydanco ! #
- RT @500lardups: That's right, people. @CardMunch got OMNOM'd by Linkedin! http://tcrn.ch/hk9qcZ #
- LOL. That's a good way to put it Josh! 🙂 RT @joshelman: To @manukumar @cardmunch congrats on getting munched by @LinkedIn!!! #
- RT @RWW: LinkedIn to Offer Free Business Card Scanning With CardMunch Acquisition http://rww.to/eX1oRR #
- .@prasanna Stealth is Overrated. #
- +1 RT @prasanna: confused why startups continue 2 say they're in stealth mode. just say your idea is so simple someone might out execute you #
- RT @VentureBeat: LinkedIn wants your business cards, acquires CardMunch http://ow.ly/1b2VMs #
- RT @LinkedIn: Welcome to the family! > RT @cardmunch BIG News from @CardMunch: We're now part of @LinkedIn! http://bit.ly/i3WANp #
- RT @adamnash: A big welcome to the @Cardmunch team, the newest members of @LinkedIn Mobile! http://lnkd.in/ckpNBA #
- RT @CardMunch: CardMunch v2.1 is now live on the AppStore! And yes, CardMunch is now a FREE service! Get it at: http://lnkd.in/cardmunch #
- RT @TechCrunch: LinkedIn Buys Business Card Converter CardMunch, Will Offer Its Services For Free http://tcrn.ch/hk9qcZ by @alexia #
- RT @dpatil: Even more hot analytics coming to @LinkedIn! Welcome to the team @cardmunch! http://bit.ly/fyV4LX #
- Go Team CardMunch! RT @CardMunch: BIG News from @CardMunch: We're now part of @LinkedIn! http://k9.vc/fvaluT #
- Great idea RT @TEDNews: Announcing #TED Books: short, powerful, nonfiction books for Kindle and Kindle Readers: http://k9.vc/i2gyCA #
- Anyone in Palo Alto/Stanford have a spare PCI Express (PCIEX1) graphics card that I could borrow to do some hardware troubleshooting? #
- Managed to get my dying desktop to boot a couple of times, but this time it seems to be asking for a transplant (aka new mobo) #
- booyah. that's all. #
- #plan Angels Unplugged (Orrick San Francisco) Thu, Feb 3, 2011 http://planca.st/NSj #
- +1 RT @bfeld: just read #SOTU – thought the message on innovation, entrepreneurship, and #startupvisa was great #
Twitter updates for 2011-01-26
- Sure sounded like it! RT @ai: Did I hear a #startupvisa shout in the #sotu #
- Loved Obama's take on immigration and sending the smarter students back after they go to school here. #sotu #
- Sunset at Shoreline Lake @ Shoreline Lake http://instagr.am/p/BNVTK/ #
- Biking w/@reachanika — at Baylands Nature Preserve http://gowal.la/c/3qoTz #
- .@niallsmart Don't even get me started on Microsoft product naming. "Windows Phone 7" is a case in point. #WhenDataLeadYouAwry #
- RT @niallsmart: @manukumar that's second only to Microsoft shutting down Live Sync Beta to replace it with Windows Live Sync #
- Yahoo email to customers: Old Yahoo! Calendar shutting down. New one to be called "All-New Yahoo! Calendar!" #MarketingGeniusesAtWork #
- Meeting so many interesting startups doing cool stuff. Wish I could self.clone() or fork() to go deep on them all. #2011OffToARockingStart #
- Absolutely *LOVE* what AWS does! RT @Werner: Introducing the Amazon Simple Email Service: http://bit.ly/sesmail #aws #email /by @jeffbarr #
- I'm at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA http://gowal.la/c/3qjGu #
Twitter updates for 2011-01-25
- This is getting old — but I feel really guilty about all the stuff in my inbox that I haven't had a chance to respond to yet. Sorry all 🙁 #
- In all fairness the 100 Grand came w/ a pedometer — to help work off the calories! http://twitpic.com/3t72g7 #
- Wow, at the panel this evening each of the panelists received 100 Grand as a thank you for their participation! http://twitpic.com/3t72g7 #
- On a panel — looking forward to a fun discussion — at Hacker Dojo http://gowal.la/c/3q3Ti #
- Lunch w/ @ronyeh — at Sprout http://gowal.la/c/3pYvr #