- Switching machines is still a painful exercise. Have to remember what all to install/migrate. (just remembered my beloved FireFox plugins!) #
- Started Windows 7 install at 2:54 PM. Up and running at 3:18 PM. 26 min is a new record! (clean install w/reformat) So far so good. #
- uhh.. yeah they will for movies "I’m skeptical, because I can’t see consumers sitting at home wearing glasses" NYTimes: http://bit.ly/30hjjB #
- Debating whether to install 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 7. 64 sounds like the way to go, but worried about driver compatibility. Thoughts? #
- Second that. RT @bfeld: As a book lover, I thought this was a brilliant op-ed by Sergey Brin – A Library to Last Forever http://bit.ly/MluIK #
- 'the best VCs retain the capacity to fall in love despite having had their heart broken over & over again' @pkedrosky in http://bit.ly/IMH6H #
Tag Archives: tweets
Twitter updates for 2009-10-10
- Realized that TweetDeck allowing me to RT a FB status may well be a breach of the FB user's privacy settings if their status is not public. #
- RT @pedramkeyani: Not sure Barack Obama deserves Nobel Peace Prize but then again I'm not sure George Bush deserves to stay a US citizen. #
- The best one word response to a major news event and the best one word tweet ever… RT @BarackObama: Humbled. #
- RT @BarackObama: Humbled. #
- "In surprise, Nobel Peace Prize to Obama for Diplomacy" NYTimes: http://bit.ly/4eLwjK #
Twitter updates for 2009-10-09
- Filling dead-time w/catching up w/some tweets. Looking forward to @startup2startup later this evening; always a good event. #fb #
- Reminder to self: always get a cell phone number when scheduling a meeting and put them on GCal! #
- This sounds like fun! "Stanford students claim new altitude record for tiny, autonomous planes" http://bit.ly/mypeW (@Stanford) #
- RT @jasonmendelson: Just When You Thought It Was Safe for Venture Capital Regulation. PEC throws VCs under the buss – http://jason.mn/T #
- RT @bjfogg: Video shows people use fun stairs http://bit.ly/PianoStairs Why? more pleasure + hot trigger = behavior chg http://bit.ly/gIBns #
Twitter updates for 2009-10-08
Twitter updates for 2009-10-07
- RT @garrytan: Software patents are really bullshit. Eolas is stifling creativity and innovation, & contributing nothing. http://bit.ly/fmUl2 #
- cool. RT @newsycombinator: AT&T to allow 3G Skype calls http://bit.ly/1SUyMP #
- Congrats @ariossw & @kimber_lockhart RT @TechCrunch: Box.net Acquires Increo Solutions To Expand Document Collaboration http://bit.ly/JF8jI #
- RT @dsamuel: Schmidt: We paid $1 billion premium for YouTube; http://bit.ly/mhL3a #
- When walking through the startup valley of despair, remember that you're also walking in the footsteps of giants. That's how you get there. #
- Good moves by @slideshare RT @rashmi: Slideshare Business is finally live! With two new services LeadShare and AdShare: http://bit.ly/4bSSWm #
- RT @mikeyk: this is the cutest open source fundraising effort I've ever seen: https://www.getmiro.com/adopt/ #
- RT @cdixon: even the offer letters from Apple are beautiful http://bit.ly/Us2uZ #