Tag Archives: tweets

Twitter updates for 2012-07-07

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Twitter updates for 2012-07-05

  • Making brownies. Box forgot to mention the roll of paper towels I would need after spraying myself & kitchen w/mixture of eggs & butter. #
  • My favorite application on the Mac is Preview — just does documents right. Including signing and combining without needing bloated Acrobat! #
  • RT @kurteichenwald: my piece @vanityfair on what felled Microsoft. iPhone has more annual sales than all of MS combined http://t.co/B8S3F879 #
  • RT @TheNextWeb: The European Parliament rejects ACTA, with a 478 to 39 majority http://t.co/65QrCyoU by @psawers #
  • RT @TheNextWeb: So what is the Higgs boson and why is it important, anyway? http://t.co/Chzbr6XY by @MartinSFP #

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