- The headphone jack is the next legacy/vestigial port on laptops and phones that needs to just die and go away. #BluetoothOnly #
- Hummingbirds are fascinating. #
- RT @grbradsk: http://t.co/vquhbL5g is live, but not widely announced for now. #
- RT @twilio: SMS Everywhere: Twilio Now Enables Messaging to over 150 Countries Worldwide http://t.co/dGaxvR8a #
- RT @torbit: How top retailers rely on Real User Measurement http://t.co/jhVVMe7N #
Tag Archives: tweets
Twitter updates for 2012-07-13
- Ignite! Startups on Fire at @citrixaccel (@ Citrix Startup Accelerator) [pic]: http://t.co/ujrgBRjX #
- Script to Fix Max OSX Preview.app Form Fill and Save http://t.co/Ke2GEyn9 via the PDF Developer Junkie Blog #
Twitter updates for 2012-07-12
- Second that! RT @pfinette: Dropbox upping their quota: Awesome. Also: I want a retina MacBook Air 13". That is all. #
- How to sign documents electronically: 1) Preview/Mac (rocks!): http://t.co/pGSGMnLH 2) Acrobat/PC (kludgy): http://t.co/7hrItDoc #
- Was almost impressed by @Travisa_Visa, until last minute #FAIL Holding back passport for $2 "copy fee" for copying 1 page. #NickelingDiming #
Twitter updates for 2012-07-11
- Takes a lot of self-control to not click through on @quora's weekly digest — fascinating stuff, but gotta focus on getting work done 🙂 #
- Some days I feel like a human router. #EmailPowered #HumanNetworks #
Twitter updates for 2012-07-10
- The Jellies Experience #NoVinegarRequired @ Monterey Bay Aquarium http://t.co/nmm98bkf #
- Plastic trash collected from the oceans @ Monterey Bay Aquarium http://t.co/5OtK9vBs #
- The menace of plastic transformed into art @ Monterey Bay Aquarium http://t.co/5CGgD7hy #
- Thank you @ Monterey Bay Aquarium http://t.co/sVDhoupq #
- Medusa #jellies @ Monterey Bay Aquarium http://t.co/I6o8j3c8 #