- Stanford Oval @ The Stanford Oval http://instagr.am/p/C_0ak/ #
- Painted Posts @ New Guinea Sculpture Garden http://instagr.am/p/C_zSk/ #
- The Thinker @ New Guinea Sculpture Garden http://instagr.am/p/C_y-u/ #
- good stuff “@timoreilly: Hope others follow: Facebook open sources their data center architecture http://t.co/6pBdpXL” #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2011-04-09
- +1 “@jonbischke: Twitter's greatest contribution to the world may be invention of the one-way follow." #
- E-Bootcamp panel @ Encina Hall http://gowal.la/c/3XhFW #
- Should also mention that E*Trade sucks. Cannot keep accurate data even when all transactions done on their system. @etradebaby #ETrade #
- Obligatory tweet to bitch/moan about the ridiculous complexity of the US #Tax system. Difficult to make sense of even w/professional help. #
Twitter updates for 2011-04-07
- First time at a 106 Miles Meetup cc @ifindkarma @ B4-12 http://gowal.la/c/3WrWW #
- "How many people in the room have boobs?" :question asked by @davemcclure at @500startups demo day. #OhYesHeDid #
- "When I look at iTunes, it looks like a database" : Kiran Belubbi from @955dreams talking about the music experience #500Strong #
- Sitting next to @anthonyha at @500startups Demo Day and simply amazed at how fast his fingers move on the keyboard. #FlyingFingers #
- Awesome intro video by Visual.ly at @500startups demo day #500Strong #
- Love how the 1st two presenters at @500startups showed lots of screenshots of the product. #ShowMeTheProduct #500Strong #
- Demo Day! @ 500 Startups http://gowal.la/c/3WkCF #
- Thanks for the tweet & the kind words @SCSatCMU. Honored to be a @CarnegieMellon alum! Hat tip to both @ece_cmu and @SCSatCMU #
- Wow, knew @CarnegieMellon would be running a story, but visual on the front page of http://cmu.edu took even me by surprise. #
Twitter updates for 2011-04-06
- I whine about #InboxOverload enough that I had to invest in @baydinsoftware & @emailgame. Awesome team: @awmoore @ayemoah @mikejchin! #
Twitter updates for 2011-04-05
- Dear @Netflix, Your iOS apps have become progressively WORSE. Yes, you want to focus on streaming, but don't take out managing DVD queue! #
- Closing two new investments for @K9Ventures in one day — and this time, it's no April Fools #
- Catching up w/ @jeff @ SoftTechVC http://gowal.la/c/3VvSb #