Tag Archives: manukumar

Twitter updates for 2011-05-25

  • "excitement drives action" : @aaker #
  • 'one small individual act, when repeated, can create big change' : @aaker #
  • Great talk by Prof. Jennifer Aaker (@aaker) on the power of social media at the @Stanford Professional Women event. #
  • "we use to communicate by post [snailmail], and to some extent we still do [twitter posts]" : @aaker #
  • Yet another indicator that #email still rules the roost — @Twitter now doing email notification for @replies #
  • Great pick by @CarnegieMellon for it's commencement speaker: Aron Ralston (his story was basis of the movie 127 Hours) http://k9.vc/lPpvyJ #

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Twitter updates for 2011-05-22

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Twitter updates for 2011-05-21

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Twitter updates for 2011-05-20

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