Tag Archives: manukumar

Twitter updates for 2011-06-25

  • This time Google Voice did a little better. "Hey Manu" came out as "Hey Momma" #SpeechRecognition #
  • .@mbartus Comcast found a way to annoy me even more today. Too long to explain in 140. Will forward the email to you once I write it. #
  • Google Voice just transcribed a message from a @K9Ventures' founder with "Thanks Manu, Bye." as "Thanks babe." #AhhTechnology #
  • SEC Adopts Final Rules Regarding Investment Advisers Act Registration and Exemptions http://k9.vc/jO9oq6 via Cooley LLP #
  • Ordered a Motorola SB6120 DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem so I don't have to keep getting ripped off by Comcast for "renting" one http://k9.vc/kKfxcL #

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Twitter updates for 2011-06-24

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Twitter updates for 2011-06-23

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Twitter updates for 2011-06-22

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Twitter updates for 2011-06-21

  • Enjoyed every bit of it! Nicely done sir. RT @sachinrekhi: Had a blast geeking out with @ManuKumar this afternoon on contact management. #
  • Psyched to have "Instant Search" on the @K9Ventures blog thanks to @indextank! Try it by typing in the search box at http://k9ventures.com #
  • Comcast billing sucking yet again — what's new? Comcast does care — just not about customers. cc @ comcastcares #
  • Once again Microsoft makes design choices that I think are silly — address bar and tabs in the same level, limiting space for both #IE9 #
  • The lack of simple UI improvements in Google Calendar is slowly but steadily becoming frustrating. Anyone know who I should harass for this? #
  • Up before sunrise, so I can spend some time with my dreaded #inbox before a full day of meetings. #

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