- RT @HighlightCam: Ken Burns. Yup, we are adding Ken Burns effects to photographs in the next release. #
- The Economist on @Lytro: Computational photography: Candid camera — http://k9.vc/jfT5gh #
- Given current sate of #inbox this is appropriate @ K9 Ventures http://instagr.am/p/Gotdz/ #
- Wow, California, you're losing your reputation as a progressive state. Rhode Island Senate Approves Civil Unions Bill http://nyti.ms/m3INIu #
- For anyone asking for invites to Google+, there presently doesn't seem to be a way for me to be able to invite folks. Sorry! #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2011-06-29
- Trying out Google+ #
- Demo Day 2011 @ i/o ventures http://gowal.la/c/4vJ86 #
- On the phone with @K9Ventures' founders on my drive up to SF. Lot's cooking. #ExcitingTimes #
- Guess I won't need that car wash after all. #raining #
- Big pot! @ VMware, Inc. http://instagr.am/p/GkQV7/ #
- Love how VMWare's campus in nicely hidden away in Palo Alto. Great location and views. #
- I'm at VMware HQ in Palo Alto, CA http://gowal.la/c/4vDFM #
- I'm at Gates Computer Science Building in CA http://gowal.la/c/4vDuQ #
Twitter updates for 2011-06-28
- Today Google Voice transcribed "Hey Manu" as "Hey brother" Probably using Google's semantic transcription engine 😉 #
- Corn @ Palo Alto, CA http://instagr.am/p/Ghtgj/ #
Twitter updates for 2011-06-27
- Thanks @semilshah for the kind words at http://k9.vc/iKUEGB and http://k9.vc/ihAruX #
- Working thru #inbox in #FIFO order today. Currently processing April 2010. Replying with: "Sorry I didn't respond in a more timely manner." #
Twitter updates for 2011-06-26
- Any restaurant that still uses #Flash for its website & doesn't have a mobile version of site, deserves to lose the business it's losing. #
- sad, but probably true “@dbasch: Skype is so ready to be myspaced. I predict it will happen in the next two years.” #
- Summer flowers in the backyard @ Palo Alto, CA http://instagr.am/p/GYdle/ #