- I'm calling it Butternut Squash Ravioli Almondine @ Palo Alto, CA http://instagr.am/p/G_Qer/ #
- Making penguins fly w/ @reachanika @ Shoreline Park – Kite Flying Parking Lot http://instagr.am/p/G-e7m/ #
- "Heroes are not extraordinary people, they're ordinary people who do an extraordinary thing." :Zimbardo NPR http://k9.vc/kLJtLW #
- “For every success there will be 250 really dumb valuations.” : @msuster in @NYTimes article on Tech #Bubble http://k9.vc/l21mat #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2011-07-04
- 100F on the thermometer outside my home-office window #scorcher @ Palo Alto, CA http://instagr.am/p/G6XEO/ #
Twitter updates for 2011-07-03
- Chilling in the sand w/ @reachanika http://instagr.am/p/G0nPD/ #
- Half Moon Bay @ Cowell Ranch Beach http://instagr.am/p/G0fPH/ #
Twitter updates for 2011-07-02
- I'm at Facebook 1050 in Palo Alto, CA http://gowal.la/c/4wF9e #
- w00t! @sidviswanathan is the first @K9Ventures' founder to buy a house! WSJ.com – Tech Rebound Gives Housing a Lift http://on.wsj.com/jb6P7E #
- I have a secret weapon against all telemarketers… @reachanika is just about ready to answer the telephone. #BringItOn #
- I'm at Orrick Menlo Park in Menlo Park, CA http://gowal.la/c/4wCY8 #
- Army's system doesn't work. @PalantirTech's does… RT @politico Army's faulty computer system hurts operations http://politi.co/lqgMNq #
- Google Calendar redesign: It's goddamn terrible http://t.co/Cs4K8m7 via @justinkan (hat tip @michaelschade) cc @GoogleCalendar #
- Man, for a startup to compete w/ @Twitter, @Facebook, @Google & @Apple etc. for engineering hires just hurts. #ouch #
- ooh, thanks Sanford! RT @heysanford: @GoogleCalendar tip for the day: Cog Menu -> Use The Classic Look #gcal #
Twitter updates for 2011-07-01
- Was hoping to make it to the @Slideshare party but doesn't look like I'll make it to the city today cc @rashmi @jboutelle @davemcclure #
- Sometimes the beginning of the next big project starts by clicking "Create new" on Google Docs. #StartingFires #
- Congrats Evan! RT @evanreas: Excited to work with @a16z and @jeff_jordan. Signup to beta our new app: lal.com/home http://k9.vc/kKqh0h #
- Go MM! RT @startupvisa: If you have a minute, say thank you to @michaelmontano for his help behind the scenes in support of #startupvisa #
- Forgot to cc @GoogleCalendar on this tweet. RT @ManuKumar: Google Calendar has a new look and it ain't pretty. #
- Yikes. Today is the last day of the 2nd Quarter and we're half way through 2011 already. #
- Google Calendar has a new look and it ain't pretty. #
- From the @Lytro blog: Camera Crew http://k9.vc/lrhxJp (Way to go Colvin, Tim, and @fishmanalex!) #