Tag Archives: manukumar

Twitter updates for 2011-07-10

  • So now that there is Google+, what happens to Google Buzz?? #
  • Two iPhones. Each one's compass telling North in a different direction. Already recalibrated/mag/true N. Need a more reliable compass! #
  • Antenna mounted in the attic @ Palo Alto, CA http://instagr.am/p/HViX5/ #
  • If Google Plus would let me cross post to FB, Twitter and LinkedIn, it would become my default client, because I'm always in GMail anyways. #
  • Need a client that will let me cross post to Google+, Twitter (mult accts), Facebook, Facebook Pages & LinkedIn all at once. #
  • Put together a new antenna in an attempt to dump my much despised cable provider. Time to put it @ Palo Alto, CA http://instagr.am/p/HTHVP/ #
  • Just got my PopBooth from the @FirstRound party. Thanks @plusbryan @ Palo Alto, CA http://instagr.am/p/HSe9U/ #

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