Tag Archives: manukumar

Twitter updates for 2011-07-22

  • While I'm on a rant about too many incubators: IncubatorIncubator.com ROCKS! Thank you @eladgil & @othman #
  • And cheese smells more when it's about to rot! RT @invoker: @manukumar mice go where they smell the cheese. #
  • The number of large companies that are now claiming to do "startup" incubators/accelerators just makes no sense to me. #Bubble #
  • There are now so many freaking "incubators" or "accelerators" that it's ridiculous. Everyone and their mother is doing an incubator. #sheesh #
  • Cool! cc @photomatt @tonidotorg @wordpress RT @indextank: Instant Search for any WordPress blog with our plugin http://k9.vc/redfpk #
  • If you send me a cold email w/out doing your homework, but w/ a 25MB attachment, I have only one keystroke for it: # (Gmail'ers will get it) #
  • Thanks Sid. Waiting w/ anticipation! RT @sidviswanathan: Dear @manukumar very soon! In fact, you'll get a lot more than just that. #
  • Dear @CardMunch, When do I get to add tags and notes to my cards? Thanks, Manu. cc: @Bowei @sidviswanathan @sudeep_y @adamnash @phegaro #
  • VatorNews: What works better, selectivity or spray and pray? Angel investors talk strategy http://t.co/cBvLmAH #

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Twitter updates for 2011-07-21

  • Heard something in backyard. Turned on lights to catch two *huge* raccoons partying it up in the lawn. #IntruderAlert #
  • Now that's what I call a pitstop! #ventureshift @ Bi-Rite Creamery http://gowal.la/c/4CS6u #
  • Phew! No parking ticket. Now that's a real bonus. #ThankYouSF #ventureshift #
  • If you're an entrepreneur, listening to VCs pontificate on their business is a massive waste of your time. #GetBackToWork #ventureshift #
  • Love that @robhayes said that @firstround looks at deals at the stage of 'two guys and a dog.' Yay for the dog! 🙂 #
  • Packed house at #ventureshift @ Cafe Du Nord http://instagr.am/p/IIrIT/ #
  • Recreating a Culture of Innovation @DoloresLabs http://t.co/wIpM4vA via @IncMagazine #
  • Now I want a new MacBook Air just because it has a backlit keyboard. Miss that on mine. Cc @jeff #
  • 'for institutional investors it's all about 'moolah in the coolah'' :@cdouvos #ventureshift (Chris rocks.. Such a blast to listen to!) #
  • 'sometimes it's better to get paid TODAY' : @cdouvos on early exits #ventureshift (hell yeah) cc@davemcclure #
  • Question posed to Peter Thiel 'Are you John Galt?' #ventureshift #
  • Portfolio / statistics is toxic to investing. : paraphrasing Peter Thiel #ventureshit (agreed) #
  • Thiel fellows don't 'drop out' of school, they 'stop out' of school for two years : paraphrasing Peter Thiel #ventureshift #
  • 'investing is not about statistics or portfolios' … 'you should believe thy every company you invest in will succeed' : Peter Thiel #
  • 'Bubbles are great a long as you get out before they pop' : paraphrasing Paul Martino from Bullpen Capital #ventureshift #
  • #ventureshift @ Cafe du Nord http://gowal.la/c/4CP4j #
  • Love the new @Zimride office. Open space, Foosball, Basketball, outdoor deck and more. Thanks for letting me hang out all day guys! #
  • Zimride ethos @ Zimride HQ http://instagr.am/p/IHL22/ #

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