- I think we should organize a nationwide stock-dump of $MHP @mcgrahillcos (owner of @standardpoors) for how smart they *think* they are. #
- *I* just downgraded Standard & Poors. #TakeTHAT #OhWeAreSoSmugThatWeHadAAARatingsOnCompaniesThatWereTooBigTooFail #FAIL #Idiots #
- .@bfeld Corollary PSA for Angels: Pay Attention to the Dow — hopefully that will help correct the #bubble at the seed-stage! 😉 #
- Sites should use @Torbit! RT @pchini: RT @kissmetrics: 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less http://bit.ly/kdDwc6 #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2011-08-05
- DHS Tweaks Policy To Spur Immigrant Startups http://t.co/6N9zg0e via @tpm #
- Team @CardMunch photoshoot @ LinkedIn http://instagr.am/p/JV6St/ #
- Team @CardMunch! @ LinkedIn http://instagr.am/p/JV4OD/ #
- Happy Birthday @CardMunch *and* @Bowei cc @sidviswanathan @sudeep_y @ LinkedIn HQ http://gowal.la/c/4Hbc9 #
- Loving the intros by the @techstars mentors. What a great way to intro the startups. #
- Goodbye debt ceiling debate, hello startup visas – Ideas@Innovations – The Washington Post http://t.co/UsLB1bx via @washingtonpost #
Twitter updates for 2011-08-04
- Spent 5+ hours doing email today & I have MORE messages in my inbox than I started with in the morning 🙁 #shucks #
- .@m2jr Hear Hear. oh wait, actually we can't hear, that's the problem. #AT amp;T #
- What's the point of having "Groups" in @GoogleContacts when you can't email the whole group? I had #dlists back in 1996, but not in 2011! #
- My post on The @WhiteHouse Blog… Startup Stories: Coming to America http://k9.vc/p5pgrX #
- RT @bfeld: Feld Thoughts: Progress On The Startup Visa Movement http://goo.gl/fb/sgww1 #StartupVisa #
Twitter updates for 2011-08-03
- And for anyone who knows the topic deeply enough, even MORE pleased to have gotten rid of adverse effects of the Neufeld Memo #StartupVisa #
- Very pleased about clarifications to current immigration law that make it more entrepreneur friendly. http://k9.vc/owVj1k #StartupVisa #
- Lunch w/ @dbasch from @IndexTank @ The Counter http://gowal.la/c/4GEHx #
- congrats! “@georgefavvas: Finally got my visa! BIG thank you to @davemcclure @bfeld @startupcfo @craig_montuori #startupvisa #notacriminal #
- President's Council on Jobs an Competitiveness @ VMware, Inc. http://instagr.am/p/JKmjF/ #
- Congrats Adrien! RT @SCSatCMU: Congrats to CMU's Adrien Treuille, named by PopTech as a Sci + Public Leadership Fellow, http://bit.ly/oDF3vC #
- "foreign entrepreneurs will be eligible for EB-2 w/out specific job offer / demonstrate that business in US national interest" #StartupVisa #
- "a sole entrepreneur can qualify for H-1B if the employment is decided by a corporate board or shareholders of the start-up" #StartupVisa #
- US to Assist Immigrant Job Creators http://k9.vc/n3xciJ via @WSJ #StartupVisa @bfeld @davemcclure @shervin @ericries @fredwilson @pkedrosky #
Twitter updates for 2011-08-01
- I'm at Cafe Borrone in Menlo Park, CA http://gowal.la/c/4GbUx #
- Guess waking up at 3:30 AM and working is one way to have a productive weekend. #NoThisIsNotWhatINormallyDo #unsustainable #
- +1 “@bfeld: @joestump ignore all the noise. focus on what matters.” #