Tag Archives: manukumar

Twitter updates for 2011-08-11

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Twitter updates for 2011-08-10

  • No worries @Twilio Client to the rescue RT @deantak: These guys were so promising. BT kills Ribbit’s web phone platform http://bit.ly/qvgges #
  • Wondering when the term "Tossing in" will become more mainstream. Does anyone outside of the social nets get that? #
  • On a related note, congrats to @Vlingo on their victory against Nuance. Nice response too. http://k9.vc/p9uBb2 #PatentBullies #
  • This article about Nuance is worth reading. Nuance Plays Hardball in Voice Recognition http://k9.vc/qAkGk6 via @BW #
  • Don't know how I missed this… "Competing with Nuance is like having a venereal disease that's in remission" http://t.co/J8mYOBC via @BW #
  • Best way to get me to *ignore* a pitch email — send it through an investment banker/consultant. #
  • You can tell which incubators are gearing up for their demo days by the flood of @TechCrunch launches and AngelList profiles. #
  • Missing: one Blue Elephant. If found please return to @reachanika. Thanks. @ Palo Alto, CA http://instagr.am/p/JwWL8/ #

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