Tag Archives: manukumar

Twitter updates for 2011-08-18

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Twitter updates for 2011-08-13

  • I might regret posting this, but here goes… Fifteen Years Later http://t.co/bodbY7G #
  • Dug up a article (blog post in today's parlance)I wrote in 1996 on the Future of Computing. Crazy to read it 15 years later! #
  • Indeed. cc @akothari RT @DesignersGeeks: Ok, so the CEO / co-founder of Pulse Reader is extremely talented: Sunshyness http://t.co/CawXgUj #
  • Deposited check rather than doing a wire since bank was a block away. Claiming the #CheapVC hashtag for saving my LPs wire transfer fees! 😉 #
  • Best new thing I've seen in recent equity financing docs: section on "Preservation of Qualified Small Business Stock Status." #nice #
  • Thanks @sidviswanathan for fixing a problem with my @CardMunch account/app. Can't manage without it! #

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