- Thiel Foundation Social at Airy Labs @ AOL http://t.co/7UD2dAW #
- BBC talks cameras and focus, featuring @Lytro: Out-of-focus pictures eliminated by photography innovation http://t.co/PkVzahO via @BBCClick #
- Officially canceled cable TV #CordCutting 100% Over-The-Air & loving it. One less Comcast service to deal with. #
- And @Twilio is the way to build it! “@msuster: "People Still Want Calls" (and it's gonna be huge) http://t.co/qUYcMQR” #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2011-08-22
- Looks like @GoogleVoice still doesn't allow porting of land lines. http://t.co/NlE5c7q @twilio to the rescue to cut the cord on land line. #
- Entrepreneurs & Students: snag a limited no of $99 startup passes to 2-day @Twilio Conference happening on 9/21-9/22! http://t.co/4mS66CL #
- Silicon Valley Booms but Worries About a New Bust: http://t.co/KMQBf13 #
Twitter updates for 2011-08-21
- "Udner the Sun" by Mohamed Soumah @ Country Sun Natural & Organic Foods http://t.co/OgAa3IS #
- Art store on Cal Ave selling IKEA kids' easel ($14.99 at IKEA) for double the price! @ Acent Arts http://t.co/U0G6rmW #
- Color Palettes @ California Paint Company http://t.co/pYXSfGZ #
Twitter updates for 2011-08-20
- Cool new interaction techniques from Disney Research and @CarnegieMellon — MotionBeam http://t.co/Lo1CRd2 #HCI #
- "Design" is thought and planning. If you've thought about something and planned it, then you've Designed it. #DesigningBusiness #
- Under-promise and over-deliver. #
- Drinks w/ @golda and @michaelmontano from @BackType. Waiter just carded them both!
- Humphry Slocombe @ Humphry Slocombe Ice Cream http://t.co/f2TjfXw #
- Salted Licorice ice cream. Really. @ Humphry Slocombe Ice Cream http://t.co/5WCY9Dy #
- Ice Cream w/ @dbasch and @IndexTank team @ Humphry Slocombe http://t.co/7MHI50y #
Twitter updates for 2011-08-19
- #DesigningBusiness with @DesignersGeeks @ People Browsr http://t.co/k23v6W1 #
- Somewhat intimidating to put together slides for a talk to an audience of @DesignersGeeks designers when my visual design skills suck!
- Afternoon excitement in our backyard w/cops running w/guns drawn chasing a guy jumping over fences. Glad workers next door alerted us. #