- Sunday night is the new Monday morning #email #InboxWoes #
- Love working with founders who are so sharp that just a pointer in the right direction and next thing you know they're off and running! #
- So what's the verdict on upgrading to #Lion Heard of Chrome+Lion issues. Anything else to be aware of? #
- Give me my gelato! @ Gelato Classico – Palo Alto http://t.co/r4aIHmP #
- Chalk Art @ Palo Alto Festival of The Arts http://t.co/vlttsYL #
- Help me find a finance/operations maven for @K9Ventures… RT @K9Jobs: Part-time Finance/Operations maven http://t.co/gPa1OTw #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2011-08-28
- congrats! “@bjo3rn: Tied @landay on undergrad HCI course ratings at Berkeley (CS160) – his record was from '97 http://t.co/04Fj6Mv” #
- Chalk @ Palo Alto Arta Festival http://t.co/OEmxkTa #
Twitter updates for 2011-08-27
- +1 “@norellana: @ManuKumar Even more when they (experts) try to charge for feedback.” #
- 'the willingness to fail gives us the freedom to succeed' :@vkhosla #
- 'Experts create the illusion of knowing without knowing what they don't know' :@vkhosla #
- 'experts are poorer forecasters than dart throwing monkeys' :@vkhosla quoting tetlock study on experts #
- 'experts are good at making a large number of forecasts, where one of them will be true' :@vkhosla #
- 'ignore every expert, no matter who they are and what they say' :@vkhosla #
- Vinod Khosla @vkhosla is always reseating to listen to @ Computer History Museum http://t.co/mztBMoM #
- No, it's not Superman, it's the Singularity University logo @ Computer History Museum http://t.co/Q9cLqqq #
- Full house at Singularity University went. Reid Hoffman talking. http://t.co/zAAD0po #
- Reid Hoffman @Quixote at #SingularityU event @ Computer History Museum http://t.co/UiIOQEB #
- Singularity University Event @ Computer History Museum http://t.co/4XChH2M #
- If I had my day scheduled any tighter that today w/meetings and calls, then I would need to start adding "restroom break" to my calendar!
- Disappointed that the Groupon email was addressed "Dear Groupon" instead of "Dear Groupies"
http://t.co/ZxErAek #
- I'm at Buck's Restaurant in Redwood City, CA http://t.co/tUL75BV #
- Google guying Slide, Jambool and Like are all deals that didn't make sense to me. So not surprised they're shutting stuff down. #
- Google did some acqusitions that didn't make sense RT @karaswisher: Max Levchin to Leave Google As Slide Is Shut Down http://t.co/WOp0lyY #
Twitter updates for 2011-08-25
- Ugh — looks like someone or something spooked a skunk. And the smell is wafting in through the open windows. #NotPleasant #
- No one put's it better than @om: Steve Jobs and the sound of silence http://t.co/vzVVVAs Nothing but respect for Jobs & wish him the best. #
- …and destroy! http://t.co/GHM8Bbt #
- Build http://t.co/r4kV2eg #
- I'm at FLOODGATE in Palo Alto, CA http://t.co/5MXALO0 #
Twitter updates for 2011-08-24
- Like that the @YCombinator companies put up slides with customers and revenue in their #DemoDay pitches. #
- Kudos to all the YC companies launching on Demo Day! @ Y Combinator http://t.co/DonzDA5 #