- Some things simply need to be perfect. Almost is *not* good enough. #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2011-09-04
- "You don’t need logos. Logos are for insecure people." @msuster is right on. The Problem w/Collecting Logos at Startups http://t.co/KNm0tna #
Twitter updates for 2011-09-03
- Do you have a lead foot on the Web? Really care about speed/performance of code? Then you should be talking to @Torbit http://t.co/ozjqYWm #
- So much harder to respond to emails when each one contains an even longer attachment for review. #InboxWoes #
- World's #9 Most Powerful Person Now Accused of Corruption — Will She Fall? http://t.co/X2ZT5a3 via @huffingtonpost #
Twitter updates for 2011-09-01
- I'm at University of California San Diego in San Diego, CA http://t.co/6ce1tCt #
Twitter updates for 2011-08-30
- One of Qaddafi's sons is named Hannibal. Really. NYTimes: Qaddafi’s Wife and 3 of His Children Flee to Algeria http://t.co/usrgFvs #
- I'm at SSE Labs in Palo Alto, CA http://t.co/4YY83Ti #