Tag Archives: manukumar

Twitter updates for 2011-09-21

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Twitter updates for 2011-09-16

  • The best fortune-cookie fortune any entrepreneur can hope for @ Del Mar, CA http://t.co/oLgEqZxb #
  • Good summary of patent law changes from Cooley. Historic Patent Reform Provisions Soon to Become Law http://t.co/nNb4wGyq #
  • Congrats @joshelman! RT @danprimack: Personnel scoop: Josh Elman (ex-Twitter Facebook LinkedIn) joins VC firm Greylock http://t.co/KGHGNvTk #
  • Ugh @United. Can there be a worse flying experience in the developed world? Largely due to the crankiest ground/cabin staff ever. #

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Twitter updates for 2011-09-14

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Twitter updates for 2011-09-13

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