- Playing with sand http://t.co/p2DCU8jD #
- Picking up sandwiches and blowing bubbles with @reachanika http://t.co/HSkp0neA #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2011-09-25
- Perforated sky in Palo Alto @ Palo Alto, CA http://t.co/pBJQp04J #
- This TurtleBot poster from @WillowGarage always makes me smile. Thanks @zzleila @ Willow Garage http://t.co/cy3Ryi4S #
- Go @logangreen and @johnzimmer! Two Strangers' Road To Founding Zimride http://t.co/U9IfSdQz #
Twitter updates for 2011-09-24
- Hmm… @GMail is down. Guess that means it's time to go for an early lunch. #
- Seems like @Dropbox counts the space of folders shared by others towards your own quota. That doesn't sound like the right thing to do. #
- Listening to @karaswisher on KQED – such a brilliant job at reporting. Consistently impressed w/ @allthingsd's ability to break news. #
Twitter updates for 2011-09-23
- Most frequently heard word in my 30 minutes at the @twilio Conference: CODE. <3 it. #
- Awesome location and setup for @Twilio Conference. Lots of balloons and red T-Shirts @ the Bently Reserve http://t.co/5aWkVSCr #
- Awesome @twilio logo in balloons @ the Bently Reserve http://t.co/jF1ZnAKw #
- Bet this is the #1 tweeted/instagrammed picture from Twitter HQ @ Twitter http://t.co/cuZNIQ94 #
- Email begets email. #
Twitter updates for 2011-09-22
- Zimride Gets $6 Million in Financing to Fill Seats: http://t.co/1J3XdLbw #
- Trying to interpret legal docs & put them into spreadsheets/formulas is making my head spin. Legal doc needs to be refactored. #WriteCode #
- Furiously searching for an email exchange I know I had in 2009 or 2010, but failing to hit on the right keywords to find it. #
- #iPhone5 RT @allthingsd: Apple's Next Event to Be Held on October 4, Starring Its New CEO -by @JohnPaczkowski http://t.co/SO0jVmup #
- Go TechStars! RT @TechCrunch: Startup Incubator TechStars Raises $24M, Increases Funding For Each Company By $100K http://t.co/wjnGcI0s #