- Just created the Google+ Page for K9 Ventures — please add to your circles should you be so inclined 🙂 http://t.co/emzY8TyJ #
- Razer Blade Laptop, Lytro Camera Top Innovation Awards http://t.co/q9HmmlTP #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2011-11-09
- #FounderShowcase (@ Mission Bay Conference Center w/ 20 others) http://t.co/xBU75Mm8 #
- I'm at Fenwick & West LLP (SF) (555 California St, Montgomery, San Francisco) http://t.co/1BRmmJvR #
- Voted, even tho the Palo Alto measures didn't have any obvious right choices @ Palo Alto, CA http://t.co/Y3Vp9bC3 #
- My attention span has become miserable. In midst of doing 4 diff things, fluidly switching between each, making little progress on either. #
- Cool video on the new @Torbit website explaining What is Torbit? http://t.co/TWuPQHwr #
- The Revolution in Photography: new camera captures 100s of images and lets you choose your own reality via @TheAtlantic http://t.co/6hnrXHzV #
Twitter updates for 2011-11-08
- Congrats @gentry & @orchestra! RT @allthingsd: Orchestra Raises a Quick $5M for Social To-Do App http://t.co/UFh6QD43 #
- Great talk by @GuyKawasaki on 12 Lessons from Steve Jobs. http://t.co/KW56rijG Worth listening to for every entrepreneur. #
Twitter updates for 2011-11-06
Twitter updates for 2011-11-05
- Had a hearty laugh watching this awesome video about Boomerang for GMail by @baydin http://t.co/JVYP8Zgm Nice job guys! #
- Resorting to the description: "I have an allergic reaction to anything related to advertising, deals, or promotions" #NotInterested #