- RT @newsycombinator: Why I Sold Zappos http://bit.ly/bNnV72 #
- Sitting down w/California Voter Guide to make sense of what decisions legislators punted to uninformed/unqualified voters this time. #
- +1 RT @kevinrose: RT @dlprager: evite is an absolute piece of sh*t and should never be used by anyone. open any argument to the contrary #
- .@msuster IMHO not all military training leads to 'leadership skills.' Majority of it leads to 'following skills.' #
- RT @fredwilson: good counter arguments on the carried interest debate from @jdrive http://bit.ly/cBANJ3 #
- RT @chandna: Sage Advice from Jen-Hsun Huang from Nvidia – http://nyti.ms/9ntkid #
- Businesses shd work to have happy customers, not on suing them. Venting Online, Consumers Can Find Themselves in Court http://nyti.ms/aiu7Kp #
- Is it time for Music 2.0? File-Sharing Pioneers Now Selling Music – http://nyti.ms/bUQM1M #
- Did India really gain independence or return to being ruled by a dynasty? Indiaโs Young & Poor Rally to Another Gandhi http://nyti.ms/cd6AfR #
- RT @bfeld: Metaphor: VC as a Produce Supplier http://goo.gl/fb/8Yfeq #
- URL better yet! RT @epaley: Better yet, no exec summary! Prose non-agile. Slides better. RT @witheiler: An exec summary shd not be 10 pages. #
- Cool video at http://k9.vc/c09Jt0 RT @newsycombinator: The First Falcon 9 Launch http://bit.ly/9di5Sz #
- RT @djsiry: my daughter is crying because she wants the virtual duck prize in a virtual game. Now I understand Zynga's valuation #
- RT @eladgil: small startups – when and how to fire an employee. http://blog.eladgil.com/2010/06/startups-when-how-to-fire-employee-at.html #
- Sad and aggravating. RT @mkapor: BP Oil on birds. Iconic images (h/t @psaffo) http://bit.ly/dwOMaT #
- +1 shouldn't need to sync a connected device. RT @sarahintampa: iPhone has been syncing for 15 minutes at least. Hate syncing. Hate it. #
- RT @priyacmu: Wow, I mean WOW RT @wired: Here's video of a golf ball hitting a steel plate at 150 mph. You're welcome. http://bit.ly/c8QQI2! #
- Yes. RT @peHUB: Should a Seed-Stage VC Investment Come with a Board Member? http://dlvr.it/1QN0v #
- Zynga is the Vegas of the online world. #
- PA rent thoroughly overpriced. RT @TechCrunch: Goodbye, Palo Alto: TechCrunch Moves To San Francisco – http://tcrn.ch/cCNan5 by @arrington #
- Fun read. RT @danprimack: Let me explain myself: Why angel investors are the new rock stars: http://bit.ly/ahAfaa #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2010-06-06
- RT @johndoerr: #Obama at @CarnegieMellon. Watch this speech http://tinyurl.com/26lkkul. Or read this transcript http://tinyurl.com/2fajvbx #
- A Mac? RT @arrington: saw something pretty amazing at microsoft today. very pleasantly surprised. #
- Step in the right direction RT @cnnbrk: President orders executive branch to provide benefits to same-sex partners. http://on.cnn.com/dAs5rH #
- RT @anand_raj: Steve Case: too many Internet cos today are built to flip. Wish more would focus on staying & building for the long term. #D8 #
- RT @christine: OH @altosventures teen tech panel: 'the thing w/ farmville is that at some point everyone figures out it's a waste of time.' #
- RT @google: Google & @USPTO team up to provide bulk patent & trademark data to public: http://bit.ly/ccWZ68 #
- A perfect case for why Facebook needs a 'dislike' button. RT @rww: George W. Bush Has Joined Facebook http://bit.ly/cd7f7r #
- RT @davidcohen: email sure is complicated – great example of why -> http://bit.ly/aJiYii. good thing there's @sendgrid to take care of it. #
- RT @waltmossberg: RT @JohnPaczkowski: D8 Video: Steve Jobs on Google, Android and the iPhone http://bit.ly/bvv0wQ $AAPL #D8 #
- RT @waltmossberg: RT @JohnPaczkowski: D8 Video: Steve Jobs Explains His iAds Restrictions (And Blames Flurry) http://bit.ly/aboqvH $AAPL #D8 #
- RT @waltmossberg: RT @JohnPaczkowski: D8 Video: Steve Jobs on the Origins of the iPad http://bit.ly/bYbRgu #D8 #
- Jobs is impressive. Fiesty and funny. RT @newsycombinator: Video: Steve Jobs on Flash (D8 Conference) http://bit.ly/bfeDP6 #
- RT @appenz: Looking for a super-smart network software engineer with L2/L3 experience to join an all ex-Stanford and Berkeley Team. #in #
- Cool tech/concept Needs Wall-E sized people for demo RT @golan RT @cshirky Great tech solution to non-existent problem: http://bit.ly/9CxZRO #
- RT @stanforddschool: Nice coverage of the Pulse reader out of this quarter's Launch Pad: http://nyti.ms/dvwjMHn #designthinking #
- RT @anand_raj: Jobs: Privacy means people clearly know what you intend to do with their data. #D8 #
- RT @Bill_Gross: Jobs on winning arguments "if you want to hire great people & have them stay, you have to let ideas win, not heirarchy." #D8 #
- RT @anand_raj: Jobs: when we were an agricultural nation all cars were trucks. As we urbanized 1 in 25 trucks. PCs are like trucks. #D8 #
- RT @Bill_Gross: Steve Jobs says handwriting slowest method of data entry on tablet. Tried to completely re-imagine it WITHOUT a stylus! #D8 #
- Really enjoying reading tweets from the Steve Jobs keynote at #D8 Definitely one of the people I admire most. #DesignMatters #
- This little kitty knows how to enjoy a Saturday by the ocean in Half Moon Bay http://twitpic.com/1u8k7q #
- First beach visit for @reachanika โ at Ritz Carlton http://gowal.la/r/tRh #
- Raising hand too! RT @fredwilson: Gmail Performance Issues http://bit.ly/aJ5Rzm #
- RT @anand_raj: Jobs: consumer market is simple. People vote w/their wallets. Enterprise market not so simple. Decision makers not users. #D8 #
- RT @yegg: speaking @dreamitventures Tue on SEO. I'm using @manukumar's #20tweets format, so expect 20 tweets on SEO ๐ http://ye.gg/dreamit #
- RT @Bill_Gross: Steve Jobs says, "people seem to be liking iPads, we're selling one every 3 seconds since it came out!" #D8 #WSJ #
Twitter updates for 2010-06-05
- RT @l2k: Mike Maples comments on a vator tv CrowdFlower pitch http://bit.ly/9VKhFv #
- Second #blimpsighting of the day — http://twitpic.com/1u1bkw #
- Blimp sighting http://twitpic.com/1twt3n #
- CS376 final presentations โ at Wallenberg Hall http://gowal.la/r/jBo #
Twitter updates for 2010-06-04
- Wow RT @geoff_yang: AT&T announces that 40% of iPhones are sold to enterprise users. #
- RT @aweissman: Seed-stage investors have become the new rock stars (traditional VCs have become adult contemporary) via @pehub #
- RT @TEDchris: John Underkoffler makes the case that gesture-based computing is the future. Dramatic demo at #TED http://on.ted.com/8MXq #
- Keep seeing @Occipital's RedLaser everywhere — startup pitch talking up it's partnership with RedLaser! Cc @jrpowers @vikasreddy #
- MustExist's name was misprinted as MustExit — a lot of investors seem to like that typo! Cc @alexsherstinsky @eugmandel #svbshowcase #
- Great job by @poornima on the pitch for @thebizeebee #svbshowcase #
- SVB Seed Showcase โ at Quadrus Conference Center http://gowal.la/r/anD #
Twitter updates for 2010-06-03
- My arm says it's not willing to type anymore today. #RSISucks #
- Using Google Alerts shows the dark side of the SEO/spam web, where people steal/mash content to make sites appear legit. #UglySideOfWeb #
- #plan TechCrunch #afterParty (August Capital, Menlo Park ca) Thu, Jul 8, 2010, 5:30pm http://planca.st/2UN #
- Setting up Pulse News on the iPad for @hanakumar – one more customer for the #1 app on the iPad AppStore. cc @akothari @gankit #
- Great to see you guys! cc @jrpowers RT @vikasreddy: Awesome @occipital team breakfast early this morning with @manukumar before #are2010 #
- Caught the Navteq mapping vehicle at work in Santa Clara http://twitpic.com/1tbhw2 #
- Sad to hear that several of my friends were affected by this fire in Palo Alto: http://k9.vc/deRCsf (via @singhgurjeet) #
- RT @echeng: What your email address says about your computer skills. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/email_address #