- Posterous office warming party — at Posterous Global HQ http://gowal.la/r/59d2 #
- Photo: Techcrunch 5th Anniversary party with a cake in the semblance of @arrington — at Twilio HQ http://gowal.la/r/581R #
- #tc5sf — at Twilio HQ http://gowal.la/r/57ZT #
- Cool visualization or #worldcup schedule #FlashHole RT @ishish: methinks Edward Tufte would approve http://k9.vc/9sezpA via @philomath #
- Congrats @ethankurz! RT @davidcowan: Hey @EthanKurz, check out your new title on our web site. Congrats on the well deserved promotion! #
- One +ve thing about # of startups trying to do ranking/relevancy/filteration of realtime stream is hopefully a good solution will emerge. #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2010-06-11
- Tom Friedman in @NYTimes: 'We need three things: start-ups, start-ups and more start-ups.' http://k9.vc/cXFneM #startupvisa #
- My facetious responses to FB Questions http://k9.vc/czwpF1 cc @blakeross #3 Q: What should I do to prepare for the Bar exam? A: drink #
- My facetious responses to FB Questions http://k9.vc/czwpF1 cc @blakeross #2 Q: What caused the U.S. stock market to crash in 2009? A: greed #
- My facetious responses to FB Questions http://k9.vc/czwpF1 cc @blakeross #1 Q: How can I get over my fear of flying? A: crash #
- wow. perspective. RT @sarahintampa: Just How Deep is the Deepwater Horizon Gusher? http://bit.ly/b48tGY (infographic of the year award!) #
- Received my @Twilio jacket today! Thanks @DanielleMORRILL @jeffiel @emcooke #
- RT @dshen: LOL: Check Out This Hilarious Take On The BP Oil Spill From The Upright Citizens Brigade http://ds.ly/aOqq8o #
- Congrats! RT @pulsepad: We're featured on the App Store! Download #1 iPad App here http://www.appsto.re/pulsenews http://twitpic.com/1vmvwm #
- RT @ChrisFRC: @NYTimes keeping it old school – announces paywall, makes iPad news app Pulse famous w/takedown notice, bans the word "Tweet" #
- >320 people killed in traffic accidents *every* day in India. #1 in the world. NYTimes Video: India's Highways of Death. http://k9.vc/c7HgBb #
- phew no more 'mutant flowered hippos'. RT @marissamayer: Actually as of now 🙂 @Jon_E Google search background back to normal tomorrow #
- LOL RT @othman: Alright, you can all stop bitching about the Google home page – here is the Google Classic Background: http://bit.ly/9eEi1r #
- Wondering how Kindle sales are doing since the launch of the iPad. Any data? #
- Interesting design/architecture. SUNews: 'Ground is broken for @Stanford’s stunning Bing Concert Hall' http://k9.vc/cKgr7m #
- Ironic to be watching Steve Jobs video from #d8 in a #Flash player http://k9.vc/ac7TXE cc @waltmossberg @karaswisher #
- Great article. Hits home. #guilty 🙁 @NYTimes: The Risks of Parenting While Plugged In – http://nyti.ms/bxzIPg #
- RT @CarnegieMellon: WSJ: Inflatable Andrew Carnegie Head Invades Pittsburgh. Created by an alum. Cause that's how we roll http://ht.ly/1WFjB #
- Ridiculous. RT @cnnbrk: Officials: Taliban executes boy, 7, for spying http://on.cnn.com/cuZI3D #
- LOL RT @jasonkincaid: Gave Google's mutant flower hippos the backing music they deserve (warning: autoplays) http://bit.ly/9fvdO2 #
- Wd love to hack one up for IR/Vision! RT @TechCrunch: Logitech launches 720p webcam streaming service – http://tcrn.ch/99f5C2 by @johnbiggs #
- RT @fredwilson: The panel pile up and the sixty second rule http://bit.ly/adyUgL #
- Amazon announces Amazon S3 Console to provide a Web interface to S3! console.aws.amazon.com/s3 Making it usable for humans & not just geeks! #
Twitter updates for 2010-06-10
- Sorry @google but your choice of the background image today is just plain ug-ly. http://yfrog.com/mvesdp (h/t @jasonkincaid) #
- +1 RT @Baris: catching up w/ e-mail before baby wakes up… #
- RT @VentureBeat: PG&E loses its $46M Prop. 16 battle in California: A win for grid innovation http://bit.ly/bX7pkp by @camillericketts #
- Brevity is a virtue. #
- Cool! RT @ehthayer: Hmm RT @jasonhiner Google Voice to integrate with Gmail as a VoIP service http://bit.ly/dycW9t #
- #plan TechCrunch Birthday Party (New TechCrunch HQ, San Francisco) Fri, Jun 11, 2010 http://planca.st/34V #
- RT @ai: RT @fmanjoo: Beyond Apu: Why are there suddenly so many Indians on TV? http://bit.ly/dcdBLS @ninashen looks into it. #
- Back and better for it. RT @pulsepad: We're glad to be back – focusing on what we love to do – making your news reading on the iPad better! #
- My inboxes have officially gone AWOL. Sorry for not being able to respond in a more timely manner. Please resend if urgent to reorder stack. #
- 'staple a green card to diploma of every foreign student who graduates from U.S. univ & a meaningful entrepreneurs visa' http://k9.vc/cXFneM #
- RT @robconeybeer: flaw in "iPhone v. Android is like Mac v. PC all over again" argument is that Android is too much like Linux, not Windows. #
- Excellent post. RT @cdixon: Inside versus outside financings: the nightclub effect http://bit.ly/baRcH8 #
- +1 RT @johndoerr: #d8 must watch Steve Jobs at D8 – http://tinyurl.com/2blbtus #
Twitter updates for 2010-06-09
- Launch Silicon Valley event — at Microsoft Building 1 http://gowal.la/r/X4g #
- RT @satishd: call *639# from your #iPhone if you want to check whether you are eligible for the iPhone 4 upgrade. #
- RT @dnanexus: GenomeWeb: The Cloud Middlemen http://bit.ly/cM9UtP #
Twitter updates for 2010-06-08
- Panel for 'Real World Software Engineering for Entrepreneurs' course — at Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley http://gowal.la/r/Pka #
- What I love about the tech industry is that there's something new everyday. Think how far we've come in just 10 years. #KidInACandyStore #
- Bet you're gong to have some fun with that at @dailybooth Brian! 🙂 RT @brianp: "we have a front facing camera.." #
- Congrats! 🙂 RT @pulsepad: Steve Jobs shows off Pulse at WWDC! http://twitpic.com/1ut9os #
- Big VCs advising @Stanford students to join 'startups' that already have 100s of employees/raised *lots* or money. #DifferentDefinitions #
- .@rkteck1245 Yeah, guess FaceTime could be used for more than just faces #
- Apple loves to get into Trademark fights. First with Cisco over IPhone and now w/ FaceTime Communications over FaceTime. #theycanaffordit #
- FaceTime on 3G would be the end of most mobile social shopping plays. #
- iBow. Apple and Jobs deserve it. Phenomenal. #RaisingTheBar #
- #iOS4 upgrade free because of iAds? Think so. #
- iDrool #
- iWant. #
- PDF viewing in iPad — makes iPad the perfect device for studying for Quals! (Qualifying Exams for PhD program @Stanford) #
- #guilty RT @davidrose: At health 2.0 in DC: "it used to be bugs that kill us. Now it's our behavior that's killing us." Suicide by fork. #
- Used these for my Phd work! RT @golan: brief note on infrared filters, poss helpful for vision geeks. http://www.flong.com/blog/archives/671 #
- Definitely suffer from this problem. Couldn't even read whole article 😉 Hooked on Gadgets, and Paying a Mental Price http://nyti.ms/bzurQ5 #
- NYTimes writes about how the satirical @BPGlobalPR has 130K followers while the real @BP_America has only 12K. http://nyti.ms/ciqC1x #
- .@stumo Questioning authority is big part of personal responsibility. Milgram experiment demonstrated that. http://k9.vc/dqmYJw cc @msuster #