- Spotify? Or room for innovation. RT @jamescham: If iTunes is the Microsoft Outlook of media then who is gmail? #
- RT @chudson: NYTimes: Trading in Private Companies Draws Scrutiny
http://nyti.ms/gMIqFd #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2010-12-27
- Picked some mandarins, limes & lemons from the backyard and now @reachanika is trying out her favorite present http://twitpic.com/3k0mfj #
Twitter updates for 2010-12-26
- Wow. RT @jrpowers: RT @joestump: Leaked photos of iPad 2? Steve must be going apeshit. http://bit.ly/esdxOX #
- Love that @Twilio wishes everyone "Hacky Holidays" and has a special holiday hacking contest! http://k9.vc/dZrFQp #
- Best part about @hanakumar celebrating Christmas on the 24th as they do in the Czech Republic is that the 25th actually feels like a day off #
- Glad RAID works as advertised. Used copious amounts of it too. http://twitpic.com/3je91x http://twitpic.com/3je982 #yuck #stillitchy #
Twitter updates for 2010-12-25
- Had an unexpected, scary & unwelcome visitor on Christmas Eve and no it wasn't Santa http://twitpic.com/3je844 #
- Anika (@reachanika) had a blast opening and trying out her presents http://twitpic.com/3je31g http://twitpic.com/3je36m #
- Besides the real Christmas tree, @hanakumar decided to also do a virtual Christmas tree http://twitpic.com/3je0ww #
- Dinner table spread by @hanakumar. Of course @reachanika gets to be at the head of the table 🙂 http://twitpic.com/3jdz93 #
Twitter updates for 2010-12-24
- Thanks @rohitkhare! RT @salimismail: @rohitkhare's present for @manukumar. Perfect gift http://yfrog.com/gyn2apj #
- Catching up w/ @salimismail — at Mandarin Gourmet http://gowal.la/c/3cdzq #
- Was assembling @reachanika's christmas gift that I ordered on @Amazon. Bummed that some plastic parts arrived broken from manufacturer 🙁 #