- Visited 4 potential locations today for !SXSW on Pi Day (http://k9.vc/k9sxsw) today. Checking out more tomorrow. Hope to finalize soon. #
- On phone with @ATT to report spam text msgs. Can barely understand agent — did @ATT give agents iPhones too? #
- Wow! RT @newsycombinator: Western digital acquires Hitachi for 4.3B$ http://j.mp/igStFK #
Tag Archives: manukumar
Twitter updates for 2011-03-07
- RT @SteveCase: Why Silicon Valley Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Returning Home http://tcrn.ch/fsmzHm #StartupAmerica #StartupVisa #
- Forbes Video on @Stanford's Newest Tech Start-Ups by @kymbee featuring #E145 @eesley @thomask @kitevc @naval @ManuKumar http://k9.vc/hKF5w0 #
- Already >65 regs for !SXSW on Pi Day http://k9.vc/k9sxsw #NotSXSW Looking for venue suggestions + folks to help on day of event. Email me. #
- Upgraded graphics card on old clunker Windoze box to work around a mobo defect. Amazed at how much better the display looks. #FontReadbility #
- I'm organizing an event for Bay Area startup folks NOT going to SXSW. If you're here, come to !SXSW on Pi day http://k9.vc/k9sxsw #NotSXSW #
Twitter updates for 2011-03-06
- I've made plans for !SXSW on Pi Day http://planca.st/RRM #
- I'm organizing an event for Bay Area startup folks NOT going to SXSW. If you're here, come to !SXSW on Pi day http://k9.vc/hKk5co #NotSXSW #
- I'm organizing an event for Bay Area startup folks NOT going to SXSW. If you're here, come to !SXSW on Pi day http://t.co/hvrkVbM #NotSXSW #
Twitter updates for 2011-03-05
- Very cool video… RT @jjmata: Always capture what the human eye doesn't normally get to see: http://k9.vc/eyPHg0 #
- Quoted in @techreview article re Eye Tracking: A Laptop that Knows Where You're Looking by @tsimonite http://k9.vc/eL3r21 #
Twitter updates for 2011-03-04
- E145 presentations cc @eesley @ Thornton Center http://gowal.la/c/3EGkv #
- Good stuff RT @VentureBeat: Browser makers release standard to bring 3D graphics to web apps without plug-ins http://bit.ly/faH5to #