- Considering using Amazon CloudDrive + GoodSync to backup a large number of media files (~100GB). Anyone else tried this yet? #
Category Archives: Twitter
Twitter tweets
Twitter updates for 2011-07-16
- I've made plans for Josh Fraser, Torbit–Torbit 101 (aka How to Make Your Site Faster) http://planca.st/la2 #
Twitter updates for 2011-07-15
- Here for @DoloresLabs #launch w/ @l2k @dbasch @IndexTank @Mettler @cardio & more @ Dolores Labs http://gowal.la/c/4AWLe #
- Invitee @ Gap Inc. Headquarters http://instagr.am/p/Hqn6J/ #
- Fallin' in to the GAP @ Gap Inc. http://gowal.la/c/4AU4C #
- Lunch w/ @dtunkelang @ LinkedIn HQ http://gowal.la/c/4AQpK #
- Wearing "computer glasses" (only read on computer, so can't call 'em reading glasses!) & now my screen/text feels so much bigger! hmm. #
Twitter updates for 2011-07-14
- VentureBeat coverage on @cardio: Pay on the go with a picture of your credit card http://bit.ly/qzdfpx #
- Fun on a slide for @reachanika @ Bol Park http://instagr.am/p/HlP1_/ #
Twitter updates for 2011-07-13
- +1 RT @cdixon: Stanford's PwdHash should be built into every browser. Solves so many problems related to passwords. http://k9.vc/pf4tVf #
- Now I know that being an advisor for DL was the right choice! RT @DoloresLabs: Dolores Labs CDO: Chief Dog Officer http://yfrog.com/kfigptkj #
- Palantir Night Live featuring Craig Newmark of @craigslist @ Palantir Events http://gowal.la/c/4AmrW #
- $AMZN mkt cap is $95B for perspective. RT @alexia: Dropbox Raising Massive Round at a $5B-Plus Valuation by @sarahcuda http://k9.vc/p4Osg0 #
- NetFlix increasing prices, experiencing more often service interruptions, and their iOS apps not so well done. hmmm… #
- Getting ready to @CardMunch in fire mode! @ K9 Ventures http://instagr.am/p/HhsPl/ #
- I've made plans for The Twilio Conference http://planca.st/kg4 #
- I've made plans for TechCrunch Mobile First CrunchUp and TechCrunch August Capital AfterParty http://planca.st/kXd #