- RT @joshfraser: "you never go on a diet without first stepping on a scale" – @cliffcrocker talking about performance at Walmart #
- RT @AndrewCrow: Freedom of Religion does not mean that organized religion is free to do whatever it wants. #
- RT @erickschonfeld: Apple sold more iOS devices in 2011 that all the Macs sold it in 28 years http://t.co/jo3LiLJk #
- RT @VentureBeat: Good news for Google: Nevada approves self-driving car regulations http://t.co/so351O33 #
- Friends @ Pizza Orgasmica http://t.co/VfGr9Doi #
- Late/quick lunch! (@ Pizza Orgasmica w/ 3 others) http://t.co/vd5o6BvM #
- Grabbing a seat… (@ Zimride HQ) http://t.co/V0rMuN5y #
- +1 RT @ryanspoon: only explanation: 41% parents own tablet RT @pkafka Nielsen 41% parents use tablets to pacify kids. http://t.co/12zuonX0 #
- Breaks social protocol for contacts RT @lizgannes: Bump Narrows Product Down to Contacts and Photos http://t.co/LsXRA8C4 #
- RT @VentureBeat: Apple's Mac OS X Mountain Lion brings more to the desktop from the iPhone, iPad http://t.co/wMFVsugb #
- Congrats @CarnegieMellon! RT @CarnegieMellon: $1B and Counting. Thanks to supporters around globe. #WeInspireInnovation http://t.co/O9YFqZiZ #
- RT @sarahintampa: Apple’s iCloud Is No Dropbox Killer (It’s Much More) http://t.co/W8P8E7cm #
- RT @allthingsd: Patent Collector Intellectual Ventures Sues AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile for Infringement -by @inafried http://t.co/mrDErDww #
- RT @latimes: Tesla will help develop new electric Mercedes-Benz http://t.co/ZdtZTEFz #
Category Archives: Twitter
Twitter tweets
Twitter updates for 2012-02-16
- #MobileFirst RT @loh: I was not expecting a VC to have a mobile version of their website. This shows awareness. Nicely done, @k9ventures. #
- Love what @StartX is doing for @Stanford and the startup community. Focus on startup education and mentorship is awesome. Kudos! #
- Wow, that @davemcclure is unstoppable! @ Transamerica Redwood Park http://t.co/UtVy6Zhj #
- I'm at StartX w/ @rodtwitzky http://t.co/E0rFizNO #
- Posted parking rate in SF: $18. Parking attendant first offers $14. We strike a deal at $10. #FTW #NoSuchThingAsAFixedPrice #
- Was too tired to do email last night and now my inbox looks like hell. #Ugh #
- RT @karaswisher: Apple Dividend More Likely Than $100 Billion Toga Party http://t.co/Vc6aCK2E #
- RT @lizgannes: Following Path Address Book Uproar, Many Apps Clean Up Their Acts http://t.co/5Ymf9iSn #
- RT @joshuamerrill: The Number Of Mobile Devices Will Exceed World’s Population By 2012 (& Other Shocking Figures) http://t.co/EfnRKmTs #
Twitter updates for 2012-02-15
- Actions speak louder than words. #
- RT @joshelman: http://t.co/pgLQaMVb great post by @al3x on how best results come from breaking new ground not past patterns or process cults #
Twitter updates for 2012-02-14
- RT @TechCrunch: Apple Beats Out Google, Amazon For Highest Corporate Reputation Score http://t.co/rKDPCId1 by @leenarao #
- RT @mjasay: Mobile Sites vs. Apps: The Coming Strategy Shift http://t.co/lWEa0MzK <It *will* happen. "When," however, depends on your prod #
- RT @Techmeme: VLC 2.0 arriving with all-new UI, native full screen in Lion, Blu-ray support, more (@dujkan /… http://t.co/L2JPl4fq #
- RT @collabfund: New York grows 9 people/hour; New Delhi 49/hour, almost 1 person/minute: http://t.co/HkHTHpFG via @stoweboyd #
Twitter updates for 2012-02-13
- RT @parislemon: Content Everywhere, But Not A Drop To Drink http://t.co/SswBpCAD #
- Looks like @hanakumar and I have perfected the art of watching stuff FASTER. 2X playback FTW. Watched 1 hr of Grammy in 20 min. #NoBuffer #
- There needs to be a better way to protest against tape delays? Ridiculous practice. #grammys #
- RT @msuster: Some hints on negotiating, "The End of the Mexican Road" http://t.co/jpfJL8jX #
- RT @wienbar: Disruptions: So Many Apologies, So Much Data Mining http://t.co/ENIyEDpG #