Category Archives: Twitter
Twitter tweets
Twitter updates for 2012-02-26
Twitter updates for 2012-02-25
Twitter updates for 2012-02-24
- Oh, and BTW @Google, #old @gmail is way faster for me than #new @gmail. #UpgradeReallyADowngrade #
- Dear @Google, I tried yet again to like #new @GMail, but sorry to say that I *still* think it sucks. Switching back feels like an upgrade! #
- Lytro, the One Digital Camera – Businessweek via @BW #
- OH @christine: 'Other companies sucking is not enough of a competitive advantage' #
- Application interviews (@ StartX) #
- RT @TechCrunch: Twilio Client iOS SDK Puts VoIP In Any App, Turning iPads Into Call Centers by @joshconstine #
- RT @twilio: Twilio makes it a breeze to add voice calling to iOS apps with a new native SDK by @MartinSFP @TheNextWeb #
Twitter updates for 2012-02-23
- SF MoMa #nofilter @ Yerba Buena Gardens #
- Occipital SF HQ transformed for our board meeting @ Occipital SF HQ #
- All kinds of fun geekery! (@ Occipital SF HQ) #
- Although I favor liberal immigration policies for entrepreneurs, the bar still has to remain high. #QualityOverQuantity #ISummit #
- Just because any one wants to come to the US and start a company here doesn't mean that they should or are capable of it. #Merit #ISummit #
- The comments from lawyers in the audience at the #ISummit are so far the least constructive and most critical in nature. #
- Very impressed by USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas both today and on a prior USCIS conference call. #ISummit #
- 'America no longer has a monopoly on knowledge' :Vivek Wadhwa (@vwadhwa) at #ISummit #
- Amazing stories of successful immigrants by Ping Fu and @Shervin at #ISummit #
- 'Take immigrants out of Silicon Valley and you have no Silicon Valley' :Mike Moritz from @Sequoia_Capital at #ISummit #
- 'I chose to study computer science because I was the only field that didn't require a lot of English' :Ping Fu, CEO, Geomagic #ISummit #
- USCIS director Alejandro Mayorkas, Ping Fu (Geomagic), @mmoritz, @shervin, @vwadhwa #ISummit @ Building 152 #
- Very pleased to see the USCIS outreach #ISummit @ Building 152 #
- USCIS Entrepreneur in Residence Summit #ISummit @ Building 152 #
- USCIS #ISummit (@ NASA Ames Research Center) #
- RT @Techmeme: Amazon Simple Workflow – Cloud-Based Workflow Management (@jeffbarr / Amazon Web Services Blog) #
- RT @bryce: "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse" #
- RT @FalseTraveler: Used @lucidchart for the first time since 2009. I shouldn't be shocked, but holy snacks have they stepped up their game. #
- RT @pakman: If you leave your Tesla unplugged for a few weeks, you actually brick your car. Costs $40K to repair #