- +1 RT @davidu: Congrats @l2k! @OpenDNS quadrupled since I took back CEO seat over two years ago. Founders carry the drive. cc: @anthonyha #
- Just taught @reachanika how a quid pro quo works. She gives me a strawberry, I give her a chip. #FairTrade #
- Glad you're back Lukas! RT @l2k: Excited to be back running CrowdFlower http://t.co/ErjihJYL #
- The sneak preview of @Baydin's #SecretProject is *so* awesome. Thank you for making me more productive! cc @awmoore @ayemoah @mikejchin #
- Dislike the word 'stakeholders.' Always gives me a visual of large/rowdy group of people holding sticks & pitchforks! #petpeeve #
- RT @TechCrunch: Soon Even Your Mom Can Invest: Senate Passes Crowdfunding Bill (With Protections) http://t.co/69y2X8MF by @ripemp #
- +1 for RT! RT @TechCrunch: Twitter Brings Back The "RT" Option With TweetDeck Update (And More) http://t.co/K0A6x9iB by @sarahintampa #
- RT @venturehacks: AngelList runs on @pivotaltracker @yammer @hipchat & @angellist. (Almost) no email internally. Everyone sits in same room. #
- RT @bosfcpug: First Pic taken w/my new @Lytro Light Field Camera. Refocus & play w/it. Roll of #Kodak film intentional! http://t.co/uc7m85wb #
Category Archives: Twitter
Twitter tweets
Twitter updates for 2012-03-22
- Amazon bought Kiva Systems $775M in cash for. Smart move by Amazon and great outcome for Kiva Systems http://t.co/yfF5I2Sh #
- How Do You Market A Breakthrough Camera Like The Lytro? Very, Very Cleverly http://t.co/u3B2ED2x via @FastCoDesign #
- RT @lucidchart: Lucidchart now imports Visio's native file format (vsd) and has dynamic mind mapping. http://t.co/5Ze6SJm3 #
- RT @om: Esther Dyson on the lack of wisdom of the (Angel) Crowd http://t.co/waHGMxyT #
- SVB Seed Showcase (@ Rosewood Sand Hill w/ 10 others) http://t.co/z2PEQbr8 #
Twitter updates for 2012-03-21
- Tick tock (@ Cooley LLP) http://t.co/ta0gxFHq #
- Fun product meeting (@ Zimride HQ) http://t.co/S3t4d7Va #
Twitter updates for 2012-03-18
- I just told the Senate to pass the #JOBSAct and fix old laws for startups and investors. Please add your support: http://t.co/NOCHurhm #
Twitter updates for 2012-03-16
- RT @TechCrunch: PayPal Here's Frictionless Payments Powered By Mobile Payment Startup Card.io http://t.co/lzaap3vP by @ripemp #
- RT @NatGeoPhotos: A good explanation of exposure and camera settings. "If you're stuck in Auto mode, start here: http://t.co/VQJBh6vg" #
- "— and this is a highlight — simply use the smartphone’s camera to scan credit cards": @TechCrunch on PayPal Here http://t.co/G6eBss5o #
- The Valley needs to stop pretending that all the acqui-hires are a good thing. Startups need to build businesses, not products w/free users. #
- RT @cardio: PayPal’s pitch to small businesses is more than just a card reader – with card.io: http://t.co/6dSuIlhh #
- RT @Techmeme: iPad 3 4G Teardown (iFixit) http://t.co/8rGVdcS9 #
- With @cardio integration! — PayPal unveils 'Paypal Here' Square competitor for mobile payment | The Verge http://t.co/tPK7N0Ym via @verge #
- RT @cardio: card.io partners with PayPal! http://t.co/NLqNhbkj #
- RT @harrymccracken: PayPal Here handles credit/debit cards, checks, cash; can take a picture of a card to capture its info. #
- RT @shaig: these acqu-hires are for startups without revenue models. I'm sure investors are starting to pay less attention to such startups #