- 'Pivot is our new word for failure' : @noamwass #
- Founding Team makeup: 43% friends, but those teams have lesser stability over time : @noamwass talk at @StartX #
- Only 16% of founders choose to start as solo founders : @noamwass based on studying 10K founders #
- I'm at StartX (Palo Alto, CA) http://t.co/lajupx32 #
- There needs to be an even more special place for #patent #trolls than hell. Hell simply doesn't seem to cut it. #
Category Archives: Twitter
Twitter tweets
Twitter updates for 2012-03-28
- Cool to see how many #YC companies mention @Twilio in their slides. #demoday #
- Having a fat thumbs problem with the #YC #DemoDay investor app. No undo action!? Cc @paulg #
- The first round was blind/blanket RT @joshelman: The follow-on has become the new badge of investment honor #
- RT @robconeybeer: The Nest store is now open: http://t.co/MuT0YxDc #
- Top phrases: 'growth curve' 'week over week' 'paying customers' 'half round done' 'just getting started' 'only the beginning' #YC #DemoDay #
- Watching various VCs on the road while waiting in traffic for #YC #DemoDay. Think I saw @davidlee and @christine just pass by đŸ™‚ #
- #YC #DemoDay (@ Computer History Museum w/ 9 others) http://t.co/nYtY8gMZ #
Twitter updates for 2012-03-26
- RT @VentureBeat: Senators are asking for an investigation of employers who ask for workers' Facebook passwords http://t.co/qJ4XwS2v #
- RT @poptartinc: Congrats to @lucidchart, I have not been wound up by a piece of software in such a long time #
- RT @i8joe: So many startups make it impossible to understand what they do, even if you read ALL of their site. You have <5 seconds, people. #
- Yellow Daffodil @ Gamble Garden http://t.co/zMhpCHTX #
Twitter updates for 2012-03-25
- RT @chrismessina: After all these years, looks like Dick Cheney has finally had a change of heart. http://t.co/nxXQGe9l #
- RT @dnanexus: Read about the Google Storage case study on DNAnexus http://t.co/2mtelRND #
- RT @zimride: Carpool Contest + Meet Zimride, @Bonnaroo's official carpool partner http://t.co/Y7jU9pJG #
- RT @occipital: Good morning! A slick new 360 Panorama update is live on the App Store! http://t.co/P0yzHpRx #
- RT @baydin: Inbox-Sanity Tool Boomerang Hits 1 Million Downloads http://t.co/yTlaANAx via @mashable #
- RT @spencerchen: What makes #Zynga games so successful. Both brilliant and depressing: http://t.co/54etq8lA #
- How ‘Hunger Games’ Built Up Must-See Fever: http://t.co/NnGBv68c #
Twitter updates for 2012-03-24
- RT @angellist: A week ago, #JOBSAct was in trouble. Yesterday, it passed 73-26 in Senate! Your 5000 sigs made the diff http://t.co/NOCHurhm #
- Disgusting is the only word I can think of to describe amount of paper generated/mailed by insurance companies. Looking at you @AnthemPR_CA. #
- RT @CrowdFlower: Lots of new changes @CrowdFlower. Welcome back @l2k http://t.co/6vTwZ3iR #
- RT @cardio: Announcing card.io webscan!
http://t.co/4f0kLEZm # - RT @twilio: Ready for the 2012 TwilioCon? Sign up to be notified when tickets go on sale: http://t.co/mUmAUkX3 #