- Someone in California has an OBAMA license plate http://t.co/2wbVmqrR #
- RT @joshanon: I love the firmware update message on my @lytro camera: http://t.co/HDE7aLde #
Category Archives: Twitter
Twitter tweets
Twitter updates for 2012-04-28
- Why is it that I can't find movies like Finding Nemo on @Netflix, @Amazon, @Apple iTunes, or @YouTube?? What year is it again?? #
- RT @zimride: Ready to revolutionize ridesharing? Join the Zimride Crew! http://t.co/KtUmKe7k #
- Another good analysis of why the new @GMail sucks. 'GMail: designer arrogance and the cult of minimalism' http://t.co/47fYY544 #
Twitter updates for 2012-04-27
- RT @paulsingh: it's great to see the @uscis and @whitehouse commitment to understanding startups & related immigration issues. #
- RT @TechCrunch: Torbit's Insight Measures The Affect Of Site Speed On Your Bounce, Conversion & Revenue http://t.co/cWnFk68L by @ripemp #
- Huge congrats to team @Baydin on the launch of Boomerang Calendar. Been using it and loving it for a while. cc @awmore @ayemoah @mikejchin #
- RT @VentureBeat: Stop double-booking, use Boomerang Calendar for Gmail to manage your schedule (invites) http://t.co/N9N6Zb5W #
- RT @TheNextWeb: Boomerang Calendar – Turning your Google Calendar into what is should have been http://t.co/ZRAiwTTr by @BradMcCarty #
Twitter updates for 2012-04-26
- RT @awmoore: @ManuKumar: "awesome! you just killed [service]" Me: "where do we hide the body?" @ManuKumar "the Internet Archive" #winning #
- RT @allthingsd: Google Drive Arrives (Comic) http://t.co/XXlHAz7i #
- RT @cardio: card.io named one of 12 startups everyone is talking about in Silicon Valley: http://t.co/31dm0Ego "Card.io is flat out cool." #
- Thanks Sanford! RT @heysanford: Missing the classic Gmail theme? http://t.co/wZmVaeEs #
- Torbit Insight β Real User Measurement of Web Performance http://t.co/U6Sp5Fys #
- Forcing users to generate strong passwords only results in a poor user experience. Need a better solution. #
- Torbit Delivers Insights into Website Speed http://t.co/WjbwA3lk via @CloudAve #
- How hotels dupe you w/photos! RT @rchen: @ManuKumar It's pretty much like the modeling industry at this point. http://t.co/bIPJBKHt #
- RT @TheNextWeb: Torbit Insight: A free tool that lets you see load times for every user on your website http://t.co/u4yZ2BYP by @BradMcCarty #
- The web has changed. Performance is no longer a server side issue. It's a client side issue. Torbit Insight: http://t.co/Hqs1CHuO #
- RT @lucidchart: RT @markacianfrani: LOVING LucidChart with Google Drive! Made it so much better #
- RT @cardio: We love hearing spirited feedback from our developers. RT β@devankoshal: card.io is so fucking badass.β #
- RT @torbit: Introducing Torbit Insight! http://t.co/3Bp7ruC7 #
Twitter updates for 2012-04-25
- The traveler photos on TripAdvisor is an awesome feature. Really get a feel for what the hotel is really like rather than all the pro pics. #
- Two @K9Ventures seed stage companies will be launching some mind-blowing products "soon". Watch out world! #
- Checkin out some new awesomeness π (@ Baydin HQ) http://t.co/AmiAy99V #
- +1 RT @alex01: Excellent post by @eladgil on the pitfalls of having VCs invest in your seed round http://t.co/7SgXQ8Ch #seed #investing #
- RT @lucidchart: @Lucidchart launches with #Googledrive http://t.co/fjgwRkBj #
- Amazed that Google didn't launch with @GMail integration for Google Drive. That's where the majority of files come from/get shared to. #
- The one place Google Drive has a clear advantage so far seems to be on the pricing page: http://t.co/5x0I4yiY #
- Dear @Google, you could have put all the GDocs in a Google Documents folder. This is even messier than my usual folder mess! π #
- Great read. Nothing groundbreaking, but confirms the shift. 'Social Power And The Coming Corporate Revolution – Forbes' http://t.co/LdtYieus #
- RT @usv: βBeing a citizen of the internet is way more satisfying than being a citizen of a country.β – @ystrickler #hacksociety #