Category Archives: Twitter
Twitter tweets
Twitter updates for 2012-05-03
- Paging @davemcclure (@ 500 Startups) #
- RT @christine: Startup pitch judging with VCs heidi rozen @christine @stephpalmeri joyce chung and token man @manukumar. #startupconf #
- The Startup Conference (@ Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts w/ 6 others) #
- Boomerang Calendar — scheduling done right (my blog post about why I'm psyched about @baydin's new product) #
- My challenge to @K9Ventures portfolio company that said "No more runway. We're flying.": How do you achieve escape velocity? #RaisingTheBar #
- Great soln for Web->App download conversion. Share your app with the ease of a text message using @Twilio: #
- Simply the best comment I have ever seen in an @K9Ventures portfolio company update: "No more runway. We're flying." #winning #awesome #
- RT @occipital: We live-demoed @360Panorama during the BlackBerry 10 keynote! (Yep 360 Panorama is coming to BlackBerry) #
- RT @twilio: Twilio Rising: Microsoft Inks Deal To Offer Voice, Messaging APIs To 'Tens Of Thousands' Azure … #
Twitter updates for 2012-05-02
- When I hear the word 'pivot', in my head I hear the sound of a toilet flushing. Cc @infoarbitrage @msuster #
- RT @Techmeme: Mozilla Slams CISPA, Breaking Silicon Valley's Silence On Cybersecurity Bill (@a_greenberg /… #
- Looking fwd to reading once server is back up! RT @infoarbitrage: New post: Entrepreneurship and optionality don't mix #
Twitter updates for 2012-05-01
Twitter updates for 2012-04-30
- Had to have Comcast reset connection from their end (didn't help from my end). Much better now: cc @ComcastCares #
- Dear Comcast, this is unacceptable: #SlowAsMolasses cc @ComcastCares #