- I'm at Sierra Ventures (Menlo Park, CA) http://t.co/Dt9UiNBG #
- Catching' up w/ @joshuamerrill at @tapcanvas (@ AOL First Floor Labs) http://t.co/Ds8j3uh1 #
Category Archives: Twitter
Twitter tweets
Twitter updates for 2012-06-01
- Hope and Numbers: Seed round happens on Hope. Series A happens on Hope+Numbers. Series B+ happen mostly on numbers http://t.co/T68sWmpF #
- The only thing guaranteed to make a startup succeed is the founders' passion for what they are doing. <3 #WhenFailureIsSimplyNOTAnOption #
- Kudos team @baydin. http://t.co/CyyRu6XO has one of the BEST referral systems I've ever used. Nicely done! cc @awmoore @ayemoah @mikejchin #
- Try Boomerang for Gmail. You can schedule emails to send at any time and track responses to follow up. http://t.co/RP3J1hRn #
Twitter updates for 2012-05-31
- Small Cameras That Can Switch Focus or Ride a Bike http://t.co/5nK4tfBG #
- Catching up w/ @asundqui (@ DNAnexus, Inc) http://t.co/5pc8CgdC #
Twitter updates for 2012-05-30
- RT @sachinrekhi: Great post from Twitter Engineering on challenges w/ client-side rendering and how they addressed them http://t.co/pRcjvbBs #
- Slides from my #MH2012 (Mobile Health 2012) talk on Launch/Iterate in Baby Steps are now on @Slideshare at http://t.co/fzTQjGPG #
- StartX VIP Night. Happy 2nd birthday @StartX @ StartX http://t.co/QZU1oUNk #
- I'm at StartX w/ @rodtwitzky http://t.co/mmYQnJSb #
- In 2004, @GMail was the best thing that ever happened. In 2012, I utter a few cursewords with every click, since it's SO F'ing SLOW. #Grunt #
Twitter updates for 2012-05-28
- RT @karaswisher: Joe Nocera nails it: Facebook’s Brilliant Disaster http://t.co/bWJATfAp #
- 'just like daddy' http://t.co/GbbrUtai #
- Require free access over the Internet to scientific journal articles arising from taxpayer-funded research. http://t.co/ljou9svZ #
- RT @fredwilson: Twilio's Nine Things http://t.co/AjqUq2Kq #
- 🙂 RT @YinzcamPriya: +1. RT @douglasderda: I wish Crayola put the RGB or hexdec of colors on their crayons. #