- RT @TechCrunch: Gmail Now Has 425M Users, Google Apps Used By 5M Businesses And 66 Of The Top 100 Unive… http://t.co/H98qHMFT #
- Go @Naval! RT @PandoDaily: AngelList Has Transformed Seed Investing — Are Recruiters and Job Boards Next? http://t.co/DVeIaO13 #
Category Archives: Twitter
Twitter tweets
Twitter updates for 2012-06-27
- Video of my talk at #MH2012 about The Myth of Overnight Success in the session on Launch and Iterate in Baby Steps http://t.co/VUA45Xtm #
- At @davemcclure's house… (@ 500 Startups w/ 3 others) http://t.co/Wm6nYjMN #
- A fringe benefit of being a startup founder is that you don't need to go to a amusement park to ride the roller coaster. #StartingUpIsHard #
Twitter updates for 2012-06-26
- RT @timechange: Zimride launched the awesome new Lyft app (like Uber w/ an army of vetted, amazing consumer drivers)
http://t.co/3cdJQGXR # - Amazing to me how the @CardMunch app is sucking post @LinkedIn acquisition, but people still keep raving about it. #SolvingARealProblem #
- RT @davidsrose: An absolutely fascinating analysis of the Apple retail store experience and its brand interdependence: http://t.co/fySPHSqd #
Twitter updates for 2012-06-25
- Is it possible to use a regular expression in the ErrorDocument 404 section of the .htaccess? Want to send the query string to a diff domain #
- Geting down and dirty with some .htaccess rules. Will probably end up breaking something today. #rusty #OldDogLearningNewTricks #
- Bizarre email issue: When I email myself at an alias, I don't get the email. When someone else emails me at same alias, comes through fine. #
- RT @Techmeme: Hands-Off: Microsoft Surface Tablet Review (@dannysullivan / Marketing Land) http://t.co/ri42w6QO #
Twitter updates for 2012-06-24
- Very impressed by Tesla. Great job all around on product and experience @ Tesla Motors http://t.co/qxGtCxxw #
- Model S Test Drive Route @ Tesla Motors http://t.co/J8gVlUsF #
- T @ Tesla Motors http://t.co/WgZDsrfv #
- Get Amped @ Tesla @ Tesla Motors http://t.co/TRTcZEzP #
- Model S test drive (@ Tesla Motors w/ 8 others) [pic]: http://t.co/CoreftLW #
- RT @mhofeditz: Amazing how right he was/is on so many things…leader/visionary… Steve Jobs Death: 20 Best Quotes http://t.co/pvr9ZaGO #
- RT @Techmeme: Google to launch Amazon, Microsoft cloud rival at Google I/O (@om / GigaOM) http://t.co/fSRT3Yyg #