It has really be a long time since I’ve posted any information to And so I figured it probably begs some explanation as to what is going on here. And so this blog entry is actually going to talk about why I haven’t been writing.
In a nutshell the reason I haven’t been writing is s combination of factors. The primary reason is probably the return of ambivalence in terms of what information I can and cannot share in a public medium. Several people who I know and interact with on a daily basis know of this site and probably – from time to time – read it as well. That is good, but sometimes it is also the cause for a lot of second thoughts. My style of writing has been such that I try to stay away from specific incidents and mentioning specific people, but the fact remains that the incidents and more likely the people who are part of those incidents will know when I am talking about them regardless of how much I try and veil the specifics. Or it may just be that since I know what and who I am writing about, I feel paranoid that if that person reads it he / she would know as well.
There are other reasons as well – timing is a big one. I feel that there is a sort-of reverse statute of limitations on when I can write about certain things – i.e. there are some things that I cannot write about while they are currently happening – in real-time since putting my thoughts on the topic would be hazardous. Whether it is work related or personal… for somethings it may be better to allow some time to pass. The flip-side of course is that then the entries will never be as charged as they would be otherwise.
Furthermore, I think for some of the issues I would eventually like to discuss here, I am not done formulating a position on them. And they just require a lot more thinking and also more experiences in order to really know which way I stand on some of them. I guess it’s a work in progress.
It definitely hasn’t been easy to not have my usual venting valve open and instead have it squeezed tight. But hopefully over the next couple of months the timing and the thinking should all like up so that I can actually write more openly about some of the things. I think I might actually try to start on a couple of things sooner than later though since I seem to tend to forget otherwise interesting blog-topics if I don’t write about them soon.